This is a complete list of commands provided by the doctl
CLI, which enables you to manage your DigitalOcean resources from the command line.
Command | Description |
doctl 1-click | Display commands that pertain to 1-click applications |
doctl 1-click list | Retrieve a list of 1-Click applications |
Command | Description |
doctl account | Display commands that retrieve account details |
doctl account get | Retrieve account profile details |
doctl account ratelimit | Retrieve your API usage and the remaining quota |
Command | Description |
doctl apps | Displays commands for working with apps |
doctl apps console | Starts a console session |
doctl apps create | Create an app |
doctl apps create-deployment | Creates a deployment |
doctl apps delete | Deletes an app |
doctl apps dev | [BETA] Display commands for working with App Platform local development. |
doctl apps dev build | Build an app component |
doctl apps dev config | Displays commands for working with App Platform local development configuration settings. |
doctl apps dev config set | Set a value in the local development configuration settings. |
doctl apps dev config unset | Unset a value in the local development configuration settings. |
doctl apps get | Get an app |
doctl apps get-deployment | Get a deployment |
doctl apps list | Lists all apps |
doctl apps list-alerts | Lists alerts on an app |
doctl apps list-buildpacks | Lists buildpacks |
doctl apps list-deployments | List all deployments |
doctl apps list-regions | Lists available App Platform regions |
doctl apps logs | Retrieves logs |
doctl apps propose | Proposes an app spec |
doctl apps restart | Restarts an app |
doctl apps spec | Display commands for working with app specs |
doctl apps spec get | Retrieve an application's spec |
doctl apps spec validate | Validate an application spec |
doctl apps tier | Display commands for working with app tiers |
doctl apps tier instance-size | Display commands for working with app instance sizes |
doctl apps tier instance-size get | Retrieve an app instance size |
doctl apps tier instance-size list | List all app instance sizes |
doctl apps update | Updates an app |
doctl apps update-alert-destinations | Updates alert destinations |
doctl apps upgrade-buildpack | Upgrades app's buildpack |
Command | Description |
doctl auth | Display commands for authenticating doctl with an account |
doctl auth init | Initialize doctl to use a specific account |
doctl auth list | List available authentication contexts |
doctl auth remove | Remove authentication contexts |
doctl auth switch | Switch between authentication contexts |
Command | Description |
doctl balance | Display commands for retrieving your account balance |
doctl balance get | Retrieve your account balance |
Command | Description |
doctl billing-history | Display commands for retrieving your billing history |
doctl billing-history list | Retrieve a paginated billing history for a user |
Command | Description |
doctl compute | Display commands that manage infrastructure |
doctl compute action | Display commands for retrieving resource action history |
doctl compute action get | Retrieve details about a specific action |
doctl compute action list | Retrieve a list of all recent actions taken on your resources |
doctl compute action wait | Block thread until an action completes |
doctl compute cdn | Display commands that manage CDNs |
doctl compute cdn create | Create a CDN |
doctl compute cdn delete | Delete a CDN |
doctl compute cdn flush | Flush the cache of a CDN |
doctl compute cdn get | Retrieve details about a specific CDN |
doctl compute cdn list | List CDNs that have already been created |
doctl compute cdn update | Update the configuration for a CDN |
doctl compute certificate | Display commands that manage SSL certificates and private keys |
doctl compute certificate create | Create a new certificate |
doctl compute certificate delete | Delete the specified certificate |
doctl compute certificate get | Retrieve details about a certificate |
doctl compute certificate list | Retrieve list of the account's stored certificates |
doctl compute domain | Display commands that manage domains |
doctl compute domain create | Add a domain to your account |
doctl compute domain delete | Permanently delete a domain from your account |
doctl compute domain get | Retrieve information about a domain |
doctl compute domain list | List all domains on your account |
doctl compute domain records | Manage DNS records |
doctl compute domain records create | Create a DNS record |
doctl compute domain records delete | Delete a DNS record |
doctl compute domain records list | List the DNS records for a domain |
doctl compute domain records update | Update a DNS record |
doctl compute droplet | Manage virtual machines (Droplets) |
doctl compute droplet 1-click | Display commands that pertain to Droplet 1-click applications |
doctl compute droplet 1-click list | Retrieve a list of Droplet 1-Click applications |
doctl compute droplet actions | List Droplet actions |
doctl compute droplet backup-policies | Display commands for Droplet's backup policies. |
doctl compute droplet backup-policies get | Get droplet's backup policy |
doctl compute droplet backup-policies list | List backup policies for all Droplets |
doctl compute droplet backup-policies list-supported | List of all supported droplet backup policies |
doctl compute droplet backups | List Droplet backups |
doctl compute droplet create | Create a new Droplet |
doctl compute droplet delete | Permanently delete a Droplet |
doctl compute droplet get | Retrieve information about a Droplet |
doctl compute droplet kernels | List available Droplet kernels |
doctl compute droplet list | List Droplets on your account |
doctl compute droplet neighbors | List a Droplet's neighbors on your account |
doctl compute droplet snapshots | List all snapshots for a Droplet |
doctl compute droplet tag | Add a tag to a Droplet |
doctl compute droplet untag | Remove a tag from a Droplet |
doctl compute droplet-action | Display Droplet action commands |
doctl compute droplet-action change-backup-policy | Change backup policy on a Droplet |
doctl compute droplet-action change-kernel | Change a Droplet's kernel |
doctl compute droplet-action disable-backups | Disable backups on a Droplet |
doctl compute droplet-action enable-backups | Enable backups on a Droplet |
doctl compute droplet-action enable-ipv6 | Enable IPv6 on a Droplet |
doctl compute droplet-action enable-private-networking | Enable private networking on a Droplet |
doctl compute droplet-action get | Retrieve a specific Droplet action |
doctl compute droplet-action password-reset | Reset the root password for a Droplet |
doctl compute droplet-action power-cycle | Powercycle a Droplet |
doctl compute droplet-action power-off | Power off a Droplet |
doctl compute droplet-action power-on | Power on a Droplet |
doctl compute droplet-action reboot | Reboot a Droplet |
doctl compute droplet-action rebuild | Rebuild a Droplet |
doctl compute droplet-action rename | Rename a Droplet |
doctl compute droplet-action resize | Resize a Droplet |
doctl compute droplet-action restore | Restore a Droplet from a backup |
doctl compute droplet-action shutdown | Shut down a Droplet |
doctl compute droplet-action snapshot | Take a Droplet snapshot |
doctl compute droplet-autoscale | Display commands to manage Droplet autoscale pools |
doctl compute droplet-autoscale create | Create a new Droplet autoscale pool |
doctl compute droplet-autoscale delete | Delete an active Droplet autoscale pool |
doctl compute droplet-autoscale delete-dangerous | Delete an active Droplet autoscale pool and all its members |
doctl compute droplet-autoscale get | Get an active Droplet autoscale pool |
doctl compute droplet-autoscale list | List all active Droplet autoscale pools |
doctl compute droplet-autoscale list-history | List all history events for a Droplet autoscale pool |
doctl compute droplet-autoscale list-members | List all members of a Droplet autoscale pool |
doctl compute droplet-autoscale update | Update an active Droplet autoscale pool |
doctl compute firewall | Display commands to manage cloud firewalls |
doctl compute firewall add-droplets | Add Droplets to a cloud firewall |
doctl compute firewall add-rules | Add inbound or outbound rules to a cloud firewall |
doctl compute firewall add-tags | Add tags to a cloud firewall |
doctl compute firewall create | Create a new cloud firewall |
doctl compute firewall delete | Permanently delete a cloud firewall |
doctl compute firewall get | Retrieve information about a cloud firewall |
doctl compute firewall list | List the cloud firewalls on your account |
doctl compute firewall list-by-droplet | List firewalls by Droplet |
doctl compute firewall remove-droplets | Remove Droplets from a cloud firewall |
doctl compute firewall remove-rules | Remove inbound or outbound rules from a cloud firewall |
doctl compute firewall remove-tags | Remove tags from a cloud firewall |
doctl compute firewall update | Update a cloud firewall's configuration |
doctl compute image | Display commands to manage images |
doctl compute image create | Create custom image |
doctl compute image delete | Permanently delete an image from your account |
doctl compute image get | Retrieve information about an image |
doctl compute image list | List images on your account |
doctl compute image list-application | List available One-Click Apps |
doctl compute image list-distribution | List available distribution images |
doctl compute image list-user | List user-created images |
doctl compute image update | Update an image's metadata |
doctl compute image-action | Display commands to perform actions on images |
doctl compute image-action get | Retrieve the status of an image action |
doctl compute image-action transfer | Transfer an image to another datacenter region |
doctl compute load-balancer | Display commands to manage load balancers |
doctl compute load-balancer add-droplets | Add Droplets to a load balancer |
doctl compute load-balancer add-forwarding-rules | Add forwarding rules to a load balancer |
doctl compute load-balancer create | Create a new load balancer |
doctl compute load-balancer delete | Permanently delete a load balancer |
doctl compute load-balancer get | Retrieve a load balancer |
doctl compute load-balancer list | List load balancers |
doctl compute load-balancer purge-cache | Purges CDN cache for a global load balancer |
doctl compute load-balancer remove-droplets | Remove Droplets from a load balancer |
doctl compute load-balancer remove-forwarding-rules | Remove forwarding rules from a load balancer |
doctl compute load-balancer update | Update a load balancer's configuration |
doctl compute region | Display commands to list datacenter regions |
doctl compute region list | Retrieves a list of datacenter regions |
doctl compute reserved-ip | Display commands to manage reserved IP addresses |
doctl compute reserved-ip create | Create a new reserved IP address |
doctl compute reserved-ip delete | Permanently delete a reserved IP address |
doctl compute reserved-ip get | Retrieve information about a reserved IP address |
doctl compute reserved-ip list | List all reserved IP addresses on your account |
doctl compute reserved-ip-action | Display commands to associate reserved IP addresses with Droplets |
doctl compute reserved-ip-action assign | Assign a reserved IP address to a Droplet |
doctl compute reserved-ip-action get | Retrieve the status of a reserved IP action |
doctl compute reserved-ip-action unassign | Unassign a reserved IP address from a Droplet |
doctl compute size | List available Droplet sizes |
doctl compute size list | List available Droplet sizes |
doctl compute snapshot | Access and manage snapshots |
doctl compute snapshot delete | Delete a snapshot of a Droplet or volume |
doctl compute snapshot get | Retrieve a Droplet or volume snapshot |
doctl compute snapshot list | List Droplet and volume snapshots |
doctl compute ssh | Access a Droplet using SSH |
doctl compute ssh-key | Display commands to manage SSH keys on your account |
doctl compute ssh-key create | Create a new SSH key on your account |
doctl compute ssh-key delete | Permanently delete an SSH key from your account |
doctl compute ssh-key get | Retrieve information about an SSH key on your account |
doctl compute ssh-key import | Import an SSH key from your computer to your account |
doctl compute ssh-key list | List all SSH keys on your account |
doctl compute ssh-key update | Update an SSH key's name |
doctl compute tag | Display commands to manage tags |
doctl compute tag apply | Apply a tag to resources |
doctl compute tag create | Create a tag |
doctl compute tag delete | Delete a tag |
doctl compute tag get | Retrieve information about a tag |
doctl compute tag list | List all tags |
doctl compute tag remove | Remove a tag from resources |
doctl compute volume | Display commands to manage block storage volumes |
doctl compute volume create | Create a block storage volume |
doctl compute volume delete | Delete a block storage volume |
doctl compute volume get | Retrieve an existing block storage volume |
doctl compute volume list | List block storage volumes by ID |
doctl compute volume snapshot | Create a block storage volume snapshot |
doctl compute volume-action | Display commands to perform actions on a volume |
doctl compute volume-action attach | Attach a volume to a Droplet |
doctl compute volume-action detach | Detach a volume from a Droplet |
doctl compute volume-action detach-by-droplet-id | (Deprecated) Detach a volume. Use `detach` instead. |
doctl compute volume-action get | Retrieve the status of a volume action |
doctl compute volume-action list | Retrieve a list of actions taken on a volume |
doctl compute volume-action resize | Resize the disk of a volume |
Command | Description |
doctl databases | Display commands that manage databases |
doctl databases backups | List database cluster backups |
doctl databases configuration | View the configuration of a database cluster given its ID and Engine |
doctl databases configuration get | Get a database cluster's configuration |
doctl databases configuration update | Update a database cluster's configuration |
doctl databases connection | Retrieve connection details for a database cluster |
doctl databases create | Create a database cluster |
doctl databases db | Display commands for managing individual databases within a cluster |
doctl databases db create | Create a database within a cluster |
doctl databases db delete | Delete the specified database from the cluster |
doctl databases db get | Retrieve the name of a database within a cluster |
doctl databases db list | Retrieve a list of databases within a cluster |
doctl databases delete | Delete a database cluster |
doctl databases events | Display commands for listing database cluster events |
doctl databases events list | List your database cluster events |
doctl databases firewalls | Display commands to manage firewall rules (called`trusted sources` in the control panel) for database clusters |
doctl databases firewalls append | Add a database firewall rule to a given database |
doctl databases firewalls list | Retrieve a list of firewall rules for a given database |
doctl databases firewalls remove | Remove a firewall rule for a given database |
doctl databases firewalls replace | Replaces the firewall rules for a given database. The rules passed to the `--rules` flag replace the firewall rules previously assigned to the database, |
doctl databases fork | Create a new database cluster by forking an existing database cluster. |
doctl databases get | Get details for a database cluster |
doctl databases get-ca | Provides the CA certificate for a DigitalOcean database |
doctl databases indexes | Display commands to manage indexes for opensearch clusters |
doctl databases indexes delete | Deletes an opensearch index by index name |
doctl databases indexes list | Retrieve a list of indexes for a given opensearch cluster |
doctl databases list | List your database clusters |
doctl databases maintenance-window | Display commands for scheduling automatic maintenance on your database cluster |
doctl databases maintenance-window get | Retrieve details about a database cluster's maintenance windows |
doctl databases maintenance-window install | Start installation of updates immediately |
doctl databases maintenance-window update | Update the maintenance window for a database cluster |
doctl databases migrate | Migrate a database cluster to a new region |
doctl databases options | Display available database options (regions, version, layouts, etc.) for all available database engines |
doctl databases options engines | Retrieves a list of the available database engines |
doctl databases options regions | Retrieves a list of the available regions for a given database engine |
doctl databases options slugs | Retrieves a list of the available slugs for a given database engine |
doctl databases options versions | Retrieves a list of the available versions for a given database engine |
doctl databases pool | Display commands for managing connection pools |
doctl databases pool create | Create a connection pool for a database cluster |
doctl databases pool delete | Delete a connection pool for a database |
doctl databases pool get | Retrieve information about a database connection pool |
doctl databases pool list | List connection pools for a database cluster |
doctl databases pool update | Update a connection pool for a database |
doctl databases replica | Display commands to manage read-only database replicas |
doctl databases replica connection | Retrieve information for connecting to a read-only database replica |
doctl databases replica create | Create a read-only database replica |
doctl databases replica delete | Delete a read-only database replica |
doctl databases replica get | Retrieve information about a read-only database replica |
doctl databases replica list | Retrieve list of read-only database replicas |
doctl databases replica promote | Promote a read-only database replica to become a primary cluster |
doctl databases resize | Resize a database cluster |
doctl databases sql-mode | Display commands to configure a MySQL database cluster's SQL modes |
doctl databases sql-mode get | Get a MySQL database cluster's SQL modes |
doctl databases sql-mode set | Set a MySQL database cluster's SQL modes |
doctl databases topics | Display commands to manage topics for kafka database clusters |
doctl databases topics create | Creates a topic for a given kafka database |
doctl databases topics delete | Deletes a kafka topic by topic name |
doctl databases topics get | Retrieve the configuration for a given kafka topic |
doctl databases topics list | Retrieve a list of topics for a given kafka database |
doctl databases topics partitions | Retrieve the partitions for a given kafka topic |
doctl databases topics update | Updates a topic for a given kafka database |
doctl databases user | Display commands for managing database users |
doctl databases user create | Create a database user |
doctl databases user delete | Delete a database user |
doctl databases user get | Retrieve details about a database user |
doctl databases user list | Retrieve list of database users |
doctl databases user reset | Resets a user's auth |
Command | Description |
doctl invoice | Display commands for retrieving invoices for your account |
doctl invoice csv | Downloads a CSV file of a specific invoice to you local machine |
doctl invoice get | Retrieve a list of all the items on an invoice |
doctl invoice list | List all of the invoices for your account |
doctl invoice pdf | Downloads a PDF file of a specific invoice to your local machine |
doctl invoice summary | Get a summary of an invoice |
Command | Description |
doctl kubernetes | Displays commands to manage Kubernetes clusters and configurations |
doctl kubernetes 1-click | Display commands that pertain to kubernetes 1-click applications |
doctl kubernetes 1-click install | Install 1-click apps on a Kubernetes cluster |
doctl kubernetes 1-click list | Retrieve a list of Kubernetes 1-Click applications |
doctl kubernetes cluster | Display commands for managing Kubernetes clusters |
doctl kubernetes cluster create | Create a Kubernetes cluster |
doctl kubernetes cluster delete | Delete Kubernetes clusters |
doctl kubernetes cluster delete-selective | Delete a Kubernetes cluster and selectively delete resources associated with it |
doctl kubernetes cluster get | Retrieve details about a Kubernetes cluster |
doctl kubernetes cluster get-upgrades | Retrieve a list of available Kubernetes version upgrades |
doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig | Display commands for managing your local kubeconfig |
doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig remove | Remove a cluster's credentials from your local kubeconfig |
doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig save | Save a cluster's credentials to your local kubeconfig |
doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig show | Show a Kubernetes cluster's kubeconfig YAML |
doctl kubernetes cluster list | Retrieve the list of Kubernetes clusters for your account |
doctl kubernetes cluster list-associated-resources | Retrieve DigitalOcean resources associated with a Kubernetes cluster |
doctl kubernetes cluster node-pool | Display commands for managing node pools |
doctl kubernetes cluster node-pool create | Create a new node pool for a cluster |
doctl kubernetes cluster node-pool delete | Delete a node pool |
doctl kubernetes cluster node-pool delete-node | Delete a node |
doctl kubernetes cluster node-pool get | Retrieve information about a cluster's node pool |
doctl kubernetes cluster node-pool list | List a cluster's node pools |
doctl kubernetes cluster node-pool replace-node | Replace node with a new one |
doctl kubernetes cluster node-pool update | Update an existing node pool in a cluster |
doctl kubernetes cluster registry | Display commands for integrating clusters with docr |
doctl kubernetes cluster registry add | Add container registry support to Kubernetes clusters |
doctl kubernetes cluster registry remove | Remove container registry support from Kubernetes clusters |
doctl kubernetes cluster update | Update a Kubernetes cluster's configuration |
doctl kubernetes cluster upgrade | Upgrades a cluster to a new Kubernetes version |
doctl kubernetes options | List possible option values for use inside Kubernetes commands |
doctl kubernetes options regions | Lists regions that support DigitalOcean Kubernetes clusters |
doctl kubernetes options sizes | Lists machine sizes that you can use in a DigitalOcean Kubernetes cluster |
doctl kubernetes options versions | Lists Kubernetes versions that you can use with DigitalOcean clusters |
Command | Description |
doctl monitoring | [Beta] Display commands to manage monitoring |
doctl monitoring alert | Display commands for managing alert policies |
doctl monitoring alert create | Create an alert policy |
doctl monitoring alert delete | Delete an alert policy |
doctl monitoring alert get | Retrieve information about an alert policy |
doctl monitoring alert list | List all alert policies |
doctl monitoring alert update | Update an alert policy |
doctl monitoring uptime | Display commands to manage uptime checks |
doctl monitoring uptime alert | Display commands to manage uptime alerts |
doctl monitoring uptime alert create | Create an uptime alert |
doctl monitoring uptime alert delete | Delete an uptime alert |
doctl monitoring uptime alert get | Get uptime alert |
doctl monitoring uptime alert list | List uptime alerts |
doctl monitoring uptime alert update | Update an uptime alert |
doctl monitoring uptime create | Create an uptime check |
doctl monitoring uptime delete | Delete an uptime check |
doctl monitoring uptime get | Get an uptime check |
doctl monitoring uptime list | List uptime checks |
doctl monitoring uptime update | Update an uptime check |
Command | Description |
doctl projects | Manage projects and assign resources to them |
doctl projects create | Create a new project |
doctl projects delete | Delete the specified project |
doctl projects get | Retrieve details for a specific project |
doctl projects list | List existing projects |
doctl projects resources | Manage resources assigned to a project |
doctl projects resources assign | Assign one or more resources to a project |
doctl projects resources get | Retrieve a resource by its URN |
doctl projects resources list | List resources assigned to a project |
doctl projects update | Update an existing project |
Command | Description |
doctl registry | Display commands for working with container registries |
doctl registry create | Create a private container registry |
doctl registry delete | Delete a container registry |
doctl registry docker-config | Generate a Docker auth configuration for a registry |
doctl registry garbage-collection | Display commands for garbage collection for a container registry |
doctl registry garbage-collection cancel | Cancel the currently-active garbage collection for a container registry |
doctl registry garbage-collection get-active | Retrieve information about the currently-active garbage collection for a container registry |
doctl registry garbage-collection list | Retrieve information about past garbage collections for a container registry |
doctl registry garbage-collection start | Start garbage collection for a container registry |
doctl registry get | Retrieve details about a container registry |
doctl registry kubernetes-manifest | Generate a Kubernetes secret manifest for a registry. |
doctl registry login | Log in Docker to a container registry |
doctl registry logout | Log out Docker from a container registry |
doctl registry options | List available container registry options |
doctl registry options available-regions | Lists available container registry regions |
doctl registry options subscription-tiers | Lists available container registry subscription tiers |
doctl registry repository | Display commands for working with repositories in a container registry |
doctl registry repository delete-manifest | Delete one or more container repository manifests by digest |
doctl registry repository delete-tag | Delete one or more container repository tags |
doctl registry repository list-manifests | List manifests for a repository in a container registry |
doctl registry repository list-tags | List tags for a repository in a container registry |
doctl registry repository list-v2 | List repositories for a container registry |
Command | Description |
doctl serverless | Develop, test, and deploy serverless functions |
doctl serverless activations | Retrieve activation records |
doctl serverless activations get | Retrieve information about an activation. |
doctl serverless activations list | Lists activations for which records exist. |
doctl serverless activations logs | Retrieve the logs for an activation. |
doctl serverless activations result | Retrieve the output for an activation. |
doctl serverless connect | Connects local serverless support to a functions namespace |
doctl serverless deploy | Deploy a functions project to your functions namespace |
doctl serverless functions | Work with the functions in your namespace |
doctl serverless functions get | Retrieve the metadata or code of a deployed function |
doctl serverless functions invoke | Invokes a function |
doctl serverless functions list | Lists the functions in your functions namespace |
doctl serverless get-metadata | Obtain metadata of a functions project |
doctl serverless init | Initialize a 'functions project' directory in your local file system |
doctl serverless install | Installs the serverless support |
doctl serverless namespaces | Manage your functions namespaces |
doctl serverless namespaces create | Creates a namespace |
doctl serverless namespaces delete | Deletes a namespace |
doctl serverless namespaces list | Lists your namespaces |
doctl serverless namespaces list-regions | Lists the accepted 'region' values |
doctl serverless status | Provide information about serverless support |
doctl serverless undeploy | Removes resources from your functions namespace |
doctl serverless uninstall | Removes the serverless support |
doctl serverless upgrade | Upgrades serverless support to match this version of doctl |
doctl serverless watch | Watch a functions project directory, deploying incrementally on change |
Command | Description |
doctl version | Show the current version |
Command | Description |
doctl vpcs | Display commands that manage VPCs |
doctl vpcs create | Create a new VPC network |
doctl vpcs delete | Permanently delete a VPC network |
doctl vpcs get | Retrieve a VPC network |
doctl vpcs list | List VPC networks |
doctl vpcs peerings | Display commands that manage VPC Peerings |
doctl vpcs peerings create | Create a new VPC Peering |
doctl vpcs peerings delete | Permanently delete a VPC Peering |
doctl vpcs peerings get | Retrieves a VPC Peering |
doctl vpcs peerings list | List VPC Peerings |
doctl vpcs peerings update | Update a VPC Peering's name |
doctl vpcs update | Update a VPC network's configuration |