doctl monitoring alert update <alert-policy-uuid>... [flags]
Updates an existing alert policy.
The following example updates an alert policy’s details:
doctl monitoring alert update f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6 --type "v1/insights/droplet/memory_utilization_percent" --compare GreaterThan --value 80 --window 10m --entities 386734086,191669331 --emails [email protected]
Option | Description |
The comparator of the alert policy. Either GreaterThan or LessThan
A description of the alert policy. |
Email addresses to send alerts to |
Whether the alert policy is enabled.
Default: true
Resources to apply the policy to |
, -h
Help for this command |
A Slack channel to send alerts to, for example, production-alerts . Must be used with --slack-url .
A Slack webhook URL to send alerts to, for example, .
Tags to apply the alert against |
The type of alert policy. For example,v1/insights/droplet/memory_utilization_percent alerts on the percent of memory utilization. For a full list of alert types, see
The value of the alert policy to compare against.
Default: 0
The window to apply the alert policy conditions against.
Default: 5m
Command | Description |
doctl monitoring alert | Display commands for managing alert policies |
Option | Description |
--access-token , -t
API V2 access token |
--api-url , -u
Override default API endpoint |
--config , -c
Specify a custom config file
Specify a custom authentication context name |
Set maximum number of retries for requests that fail with a 429 or 500-level error
Default: 5
Set the minimum number of seconds to wait before retrying a failed request
Default: 30
Set the maximum number of seconds to wait before retrying a failed request
Default: 1
Enable interactive behavior. Defaults to true if the terminal supports it (default false)
Default: false
--output , -o
Desired output format [text|json]
Default: text
Show a log of network activity while performing a command
Default: false
--verbose , -v
Enable verbose output
Default: false