doctl auth

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The doctl auth commands allow you to authenticate doctl for use with your DigitalOcean account using tokens that you generate in the control panel at

If you work with a just one account, call doctl auth init and supply the token when prompted. This creates an authentication context named default.

To switch between multiple DigitalOcean accounts, including team accounts, create named contexts using doctl auth init --context <name>, then providing the applicable token when prompted. This saves the token under the name you provide. To switch between contexts, use doctl auth switch --context <name>.

To remove accounts from the configuration file, run doctl auth remove --context <name>. This removes the token under the name you provide.


Option Description
--help , -h Help for this command
Command Description
doctl doctl is a command line interface (CLI) for the DigitalOcean API.
doctl auth init Initialize doctl to use a specific account
doctl auth list List available authentication contexts
doctl auth remove Remove authentication contexts
doctl auth switch Switch between authentication contexts

Global Flags

Option Description
--access-token, -t API V2 access token
--api-url, -u Override default API endpoint
--config, -c Specify a custom config file
  • macOS: ${HOME}/Library/Application Support/doctl/config.yaml
  • Linux: ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/doctl/config.yaml
  • Windows: %APPDATA%\doctl\config.yaml
--context Specify a custom authentication context name
--http-retry-max Set maximum number of retries for requests that fail with a 429 or 500-level error
Default: 5
--http-retry-wait-max Set the minimum number of seconds to wait before retrying a failed request
Default: 30
--http-retry-wait-min Set the maximum number of seconds to wait before retrying a failed request
Default: 1
--interactive Enable interactive behavior. Defaults to true if the terminal supports it (default false)
Default: false
--output, -o Desired output format [text|json]
Default: text
--trace Show a log of network activity while performing a command
Default: false
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output
Default: false