doctl compute reserved-ip-action get

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doctl compute reserved-ip-action get <reserved-ip> <action-id> [flags]


Retrieves the status of a reserved IP action. Outputs the following information:

  • The unique numeric ID used to identify and reference a reserved IP action
  • The status of the reserved IP action. Possible values: “in-progress”, “completed”, “errored”
  • When the action was initiated, in ISO8601 combined date and time format
  • When the action was completed, in ISO8601 combined date and time format
  • The ID of the resource that the action is associated with
  • The type of resource that the action is associated with
  • The region where the action occurred
  • The slug for the region where the action occurred


The following example retrieves the status of an action, that has the ID 191669331, that was taken on the reserved IP address

doctl compute reserved-ip-action get 191669331


Option Description
--format Columns for output in a comma-separated list. Possible values: ID, Status, Type, StartedAt, CompletedAt, ResourceID, ResourceType, Region.
--help , -h Help for this command
--no-header Return raw data with no headers
Default: false
Command Description
doctl compute reserved-ip-action Display commands to associate reserved IP addresses with Droplets

Global Flags

Option Description
--access-token, -t API V2 access token
--api-url, -u Override default API endpoint
--config, -c Specify a custom config file
  • macOS: ${HOME}/Library/Application Support/doctl/config.yaml
  • Linux: ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/doctl/config.yaml
  • Windows: %APPDATA%\doctl\config.yaml
--context Specify a custom authentication context name
--http-retry-max Set maximum number of retries for requests that fail with a 429 or 500-level error
Default: 5
--http-retry-wait-max Set the minimum number of seconds to wait before retrying a failed request
Default: 30
--http-retry-wait-min Set the maximum number of seconds to wait before retrying a failed request
Default: 1
--interactive Enable interactive behavior. Defaults to true if the terminal supports it (default false)
Default: false
--output, -o Desired output format [text|json]
Default: text
--trace Show a log of network activity while performing a command
Default: false
--verbose, -v Enable verbose output
Default: false