App Platform Support Articles

If an app’s health check fails, the app currently does not restart. This is because App Platform does not currently support liveness probes. An app only automatically restarts if the app crashes or if its disk or RAM usage exceeds the its limits.
You can find the client IP address of a request connecting to your app in the do-connecting-ip HTTP header.
Timeouts can be caused by high CPU utilization, so check your app’s CPU utilization and consider scaling your app.
Dedicated egress IPs route egress (outbound) traffic from an app. To route ingress (inbound) traffic to an app, use one of App Platform’s public ingress IPs.
Add the root domain to the list of domains in the app’s settings along with the wildcard subdomain.
App Platform apps may be slow or unable to resolve .gov domains because the domain administrators have blocked DigitalOcean’s IP addresses. To fix this, you can contact the domain administrator or use a custom DNS resolver.
If your resources have been destroyed due to a prolonged past due balance, you can contact support to request the app spec for deleted apps to recreate the app with the same configuration.
Increase your app’s maximum execution time in its .user.ini file to give it more time to complete requests.
Remove the domain from the old app before deleting the old app, or wait 24 hours for the DNS to update.
In your Dockerfile, the USER instruction needs to be after the FROM and WORKDIR instructions.
Ensure your Dockerfile’s path is correctly defined using the dockerfile_path parameter in your app spec file.
Multiple 408 errors are often caused by your app sending health checks with very short timeouts to App Platform. They typically don’t affect the functionality of the app.
App Platform builds have a fixed amount of memory available, so try optimizing your builds to stay within the 8 GB limit. You can increase the amount of memory in App Platform deployments by upgrading to a different plan.
App Platform does not support 301 or 302 responses to direct traffic from one domain to another, but you can create a free blank app with a custom domain that redirects the app’s traffic to another app’s domain.
Dev Databases have no direct backup feature but you can use a cron job to back up your data to another database.
You can wrap email addresses in a code comment that makes the address visible to bots instead of obfuscated.
You need to explicitly add the subdomain in your app’s settings.
You cannot pause, stop, or disable an app. You can delete the app and re-create it when needed.
Component-level variables override app-level variables, so you may have defined environment variables at both levels.
App Platform does not support connecting to DigitalOcean Managed Databases during the build process if the database has trusted sources enabled.
App Platform does not support backups, but you can use DigitalOcean Managed Databases to back up your data.
Dev databases are located in the same region as your app and cannot be migrated to another region.
Your upload may be exceeding your app’s allotted file storage space or it could be timing out.
You see the CDN load balancer’s IP address. Use dig to see the dynamic IP address of the app.
Application crashes, high memory consumption, and high disk usage are usually responsible for apps restarting.
Apps do not have static IP addresses so you cannot point an A record at an app.
Environment variables are only available as build-args for Dockerfile builds in App Platform.
You can change an app’s source repository by updating the app’s spec.
Ensure the missing module is listed in the dependencies section of the package.json file.
App Platform does not currently support injecting values as files on disk. Use environment variables to create files at run time.
Review your app’s build logs to diagnose which process failed during building.
Database bind variables are only available during an app’s deployment and run times.
Your app is likely unavailable on the port App Platform uses to perform health checks. Customize the health check or update the ports in your app.
Review some common troubleshooting techniques for App Platform.
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