App Platform How-Tos

App Platform is a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offering that allows developers to publish code directly to DigitalOcean servers without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

Getting Started

Build and deploy apps on push in the cloud with App Platform.
Deploy an application using a container image stored in your DigitalOcean Container Registry.
Deploy applications from monorepos in App Platform.
Deploy applications directly from your GitHub repository using GitHub Actions.
Access the console for components in your app to troubleshoot issues and run commands in their container.
Resolve deadlocks or connection issues by restarting or rebuilding your app.
Build app components locally using the same build process as App Platform.

App Management

Add capacity to your app by scaling the number of containers.
Manage deployments in App Platform.
Update an app’s configuration by editing its spec file.
How change source repositories, configure submodules, and enable Git Large File Support (LFS).
Delete apps from your app platform.
Add a “Deploy to DigitalOcean” button to your GitHub or GitLab repository so users can launch your app on App Platform with one click.

Manage Components

Create and configure services in App Platform.
Create and configure jobs in App Platform.
Create and configure background workers in App Platform.
Create and configure a static site in App Platform.
Create and configure functions in App Platform. Functions are blocks of code that run on demand without the need to manage any infrastructure.

Manage Data Storage

Create managed relational databases from directly within App Platform for use in development or production applications.
Review data storage options for App Platform.
Connect your app to PostgreSQL database with connection pools using App Platform.

Manage App Settings

Add, edit, and delete buildtime and runtime commands for your application.
Use and encrypt environment variables in App Platform.
Improve your app’s performance by caching content with Cache-Control headers.
Redeploy an existing App Platform app to a different datacenter region.
Upgrade your app’s stack to take advantage of new features and security updates, or maintain your app’s compatibility.
Upgrade your app to use new NodeJS Buildpack.
Upgrade your app’s buildpacks to their latest versions.
Change your app server’s time zone configuration to match your application’s needs.

Manage Settings

Temporarily take your app offline for maintenance and display a maintenance message to users.
Configure the amount of time that app components have between receiving a termination command and actually shutting down to leave room to complete clean-up tasks.

Manage Networking

Add a static IP addresses to your app that allow you to route traffic to and from your app with consistent IP addresses.
Add a custom domain to use for your app, in addition to its included subdomain.
Enable cross-origin resource sharing in App Platform.
Set up internal routing between components in your app to support API gateways, backend job processing, and microservice architecture.
Change the ingress URL paths in your app to create more manageable URLs or redirect traffic to different URLs.
Configure apps to receive HTTP/2 traffic. This allows you to use gRPC and other HTTP/2 features.

Manage Observability

Add health checks to your app to monitor the availability and performance of its services.
View application, build, deploy, and runtime logs in App Platform.
Enable log forwarding to log management providers in App Platform.
Create alert policies and set up alerts for app or resource events.
View application insights in App Platform in the control panel or using the API.

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