Why is my resized volume smaller than I expected?

If you resize your volume and the size or available space doesn’t match what you expected, there may be several reasons why:

  • The size of the filesystem that df reports may be slightly less than the total disk size because some amount of the disk is reserved for filesystem metadata.

  • The sum of used and available space are slightly less than the reported total size because a small amount of space is reserved for the root user (typically 5% by default), and df does not report this space.

    You can modify the reserved filesystem blocks and other filesystem parameters with tune2fs for ext4 filesystems and xfs_io for XFS filesystems.

  • Different tools report size in different units, like gigabytes (1 GB = 1000 bytes) or gibibytes (1 GiB = 1024 bytes). For example, df -h reports size in powers of 1024, like GiB, and df -H reports sizes in powers of 1000, like GB. 500 GiB is approximately 536 GB.

You can review disk usage on your Droplet and then remove unnecessary files.
You cannot resize Droplets to smaller plans, but you can migrate your data to a smaller Droplet.
You can resize a DOKS node by creating a new node pool of the desired size.
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