Why is my app not resolving .gov domains?

App Platform apps may be slow or unable to resolve .gov domains because the domain administrators have blocked DigitalOcean’s IP addresses. To fix this, you can contact the domain administrator or use a custom DNS resolver.

For example, if you are using the example.gov domain, you can use the following code to set Cloudflare’s DNS server as the resolver in your Node.js application:

const dns = require('dns');

// Set Cloudflare's DNS server

const agent = new https.Agent({
  lookup: (hostname, options, callback) => {
    dns.lookup(hostname, options, callback);

// Example usage with axios
axios.get('https://example.com', { httpsAgent: agent })
  .then(response => {})
  .catch(error => {})


We recommend using a custom DNS resolver only to query the .gov sites that have resolution issues. Setting the custom resolver as the default resolver for your app can cause connection issues to DigitalOcean Managed Databases connected to the app.

Dedicated egress IPs route egress (outbound) traffic from an app. To route ingress (inbound) traffic to an app, use one of App Platform’s public ingress IPs.
Add the root domain to the list of domains in the app’s settings along with the wildcard subdomain.
If your resources have been destroyed due to a prolonged past due balance, you can contact support to request the app spec for deleted apps to recreate the app with the same configuration.