How do I update my contact and company details on my invoice?

You can edit your personal account settings on the My Account page. You can edit your team settings on the Settings page. You can update your billing address, tax location, or add a tax ID on the Billing Settings page.

The My Account page lets you view and edit your login method, 2FA, team membership, and email preferences.
View and update your team name, contact email, secure sign-in requirements, and team membership.
View and update your address, tax location, and tax exemption.

The following limits apply to invoices:

  • We cannot change invoice and billing dates.

  • Address changes are immediately visible on your invoice, but changes made to tax information, including tax locations and tax IDs, are not retroactive and only apply to subsequent finalized invoices.

  • USD is the only currency we accept for payments, so all invoices are in USD. We cannot provide invoices in other currencies.

Learn more about invoices.

Download the CSV version of your invoice for more detailed billing information.
We use payment information to verify your identity, which allows us to keep DigitalOcean safe against spammers and bots.
When you connect PayPal as a payment method, the small prepayment verifies your account.
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