How do I turn off App Platform's email obfuscation feature?

App Platform automatically obfuscates email addresses in your app’s web pages to help prevent spam bots from scraping addresses while keeping them readable for users. This feature injects JavaScript into your app’s web pages that can cause problems with your site. If you are seeing issues related to this feature or want addresses to be visible to bots, you can override it by wrapping email addresses with a special code comment, like this:

<!--email_off-->[email protected]<!--/email_off-->

This keeps additional JavaScript from being added to your web pages and allows bots to index email addresses on your site.

Dedicated egress IPs route egress (outbound) traffic from an app. To route ingress (inbound) traffic to an app, use one of App Platform’s public ingress IPs.
Add the root domain to the list of domains in the app’s settings along with the wildcard subdomain.
App Platform apps may be slow or unable to resolve .gov domains because the domain administrators have blocked DigitalOcean’s IP addresses. To fix this, you can contact the domain administrator or use a custom DNS resolver.