How to Configure Maintenance Mode

App Platform is a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offering that allows developers to publish code directly to DigitalOcean servers without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

Maintenance mode allows you to take your app offline for maintenance and serve a maintenance page to your users. While your app is in maintenance mode, users see a message on the app’s home page. This allows you to perform critical updates, database migrations, or other maintenance tasks without user traffic.

We continue to bill apps during maintenance.

You cannot configure a custom maintenance message at this time.

Configure Using the App Spec

Configure maintenance mode by adding the maintenance object to the app spec at the app level, like this:

  enabled: true
  offline_page_url: ""


Use the offline_page_url field to specify a custom maintenance page to display to users. The page can be any valid URL on the internet. You can only specify a custom maintenance page using the app spec at this time.

You can either edit the app spec directly in the control panel or pass the updated spec file via doctl or the API.

Once you have updated the app spec, the app is taken offline and a maintenance page is displayed on the app’s home page.

Configure Using the Control Panel

To turn on Maintenance Mode using the DigitalOcean Control Panel, go to the app’s overview page, and then click the Settings tab. Scroll down to the Maintenance mode section and click Turn on. In the Maintenance Mode window, enter the app’s name into the field to confirm that you want to put the app into maintenance mode and then click Turn on Maintenance Mode. The app is taken offline and a maintenance page is displayed on the app’s home page.

The maintenance mode toggle switch on the app Settings page.

The maintenance page looks like this:

The maintenance mode page served at the root of the app
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