App Platform Pricing

App Platform is a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offering that allows developers to publish code directly to DigitalOcean servers without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

An app is made up of one or more components like web services, databases, or workers. When you run an app, we deploy an instance (that is, a container) for each of the component. The total cost of running a component is determined by the container size multiplied by the number of containers.

Most plans allow you to scale your app (add additional containers) to match your workload. Plans with dedicated CPUs offer autoscaling.

Apps are billed by the second, starting at a minimum of one minute. Databases (both development and production) are billed by the hour, starting at a minimum of one hour.

Current Plans

The table below shows monthly pricing per container and available container sizes.

API/CLI Slug CPUs RAM Bandwidth Allowance Price Manual Scaling Auto Scaling
apps-s-1vcpu-0.5gb 1 shared 512 MiB 50 GiB per month $5.00 per month No No
apps-s-1vcpu-1gb-fixed 1 shared 1 GiB 100 GiB per month $10.00 per month No No
apps-s-1vcpu-1gb 1 shared 1 GiB 150 GiB per month $12.00 per month Yes No
apps-s-1vcpu-2gb 1 shared 2 GiB 200 GiB per month $25.00 per month Yes No
apps-s-2vcpu-4gb 2 shared 4 GiB 250 GiB per month $50.00 per month Yes No
apps-d-1vcpu-0.5gb 1 dedicated 512 MiB 100 GiB per month $29.00 per month Yes Yes
apps-d-1vcpu-1gb 1 dedicated 1 GiB 200 GiB per month $34.00 per month Yes Yes
apps-d-1vcpu-2gb 1 dedicated 2 GiB 300 GiB per month $39.00 per month Yes Yes
apps-d-1vcpu-4gb 1 dedicated 4 GiB 400 GiB per month $49.00 per month Yes Yes
apps-d-2vcpu-4gb 2 dedicated 4 GiB 500 GiB per month $78.00 per month Yes Yes
apps-d-2vcpu-8gb 2 dedicated 8 GiB 600 GiB per month $98.00 per month Yes Yes
apps-d-4vcpu-8gb 4 dedicated 8 GiB 700 GiB per month $156.00 per month Yes Yes
apps-d-4vcpu-16gb 4 dedicated 16 GiB 800 GiB per month $196.00 per month Yes Yes
apps-d-8vcpu-32gb 8 dedicated 32 GiB 900 GiB per month $392.00 per month Yes Yes

Free Tier

App Platform offers a free tier for static sites. We recommend the free tier for hosting personal websites, portfolios, small projects, and trying out App Platform.

The free tier includes:

  • Deploying up to three apps that use only static site components. For example, you can deploy an app that hosts four different static websites, and then create two additional apps that host a single static website for free. Each additional app containing static website components costs $3.00 per month per month.
  • 1 GiB of outbound data for each app. Additional outbound data transfer costs $0.02 per GiB.

Legacy Plans

Legacy plans only apply to apps created before 7 May 2024. We intend to deprecate legacy plans soon, so we strongly encourage you to use the new plans when creating or upgrading apps. The new plans offer the same or better pricing and substantially higher egress data allowance.

Click to view pricing for legacy plans.
API/CLI Slug CPUs RAM Bandwidth Allowance Price Manual Scaling Auto Scaling
basic-xxs 1 shared 512 MiB 40 GiB per month $5.00 per month No No
basic-xs 1 shared 1 GiB 40 GiB per month $10.00 per month No No
basic-s 1 shared 2 GiB 40 GiB per month $20.00 per month No No
basic-m 2 shared 4 GiB 40 GiB per month $40.00 per month No No
professional-xs 1 shared 1 GiB 100 GiB per month $12.00 per month Yes No
professional-s 1 shared 2 GiB 100 GiB per month $25.00 per month Yes No
professional-m 2 shared 4 GiB 100 GiB per month $50.00 per month Yes No
professional-1l 1 dedicated 4 GiB 100 GiB per month $75.00 per month Yes Yes
professional-l 2 dedicated 8 GiB 100 GiB per month $150.00 per month Yes Yes
professional-xl 4 dedicated 16 GiB 100 GiB per month $300.00 per month Yes Yes

App Services & Jobs

App services and jobs are billed at a monthly rate based on the above size slug, prorated per-second. Unlike services, jobs are only billed when they are run.


Each App Platform plan includes an amount of free outbound data transfer. Additional outbound transfer is billed at $0.02 per GiB. Inbound transfer to App Platform is free.

Transfer allowance and usage is pooled cumulatively across all apps at the team level, not individually per app or component. Accrued transfer does not roll over between months and cannot be transferred between teams.

You can view ingress bandwidth for individual apps, but you cannot currently view the accrued transfer allowance or cumulative usage for App Platform.

For more details and examples of bandwidth billing for App Platform, see the bandwidth billing page.

Dedicated Egress IP Addresses

Dedicated IPs are billed per second up to $25.00 per month. We enforce a 60 second usage time upon the first use of a dedicated IP.

Development Databases

Development databases are $7.00 per month per 512MB database. Additional outbound data transfer is $0.02 per GiB in a month.

You can view the pricing for DigitalOcean Managed Databases, Spaces (object storage), and DigitalOcean Functions on the pricing page.

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