Static Site

In App Platform, a static site is a type of resource that only consists of a build process that produces static assets.

These assets are not served by an application runtime (such as Ruby, Python, or PHP), but instead are served by an HTTP server. Static sites therefore have no run command.

Once published, static sites are incredibly performant for users, as static assets do not require server-side processing and can be served via edge caching over DigitalOcean’s content delivery network (CDN). A static site resource is frequently used alongside a service – for example, with the HTTP route of /assets – so that your app’s assets can be served from the cache. Common static site generators include Jekyll, Hugo, and Gatsby, all of which have samples available in Sample Apps.

Static Site Articles

Improve your app’s performance by caching content with Cache-Control headers.
Create and configure a static site in App Platform.
Deploy your source onto App Platform with a “Deploy to DigitalOcean” button in your source repository.