Generated on 25 November 2024
from pydo version v0.6.0
Check whether an app can be rolled back to a specific deployment. This endpoint can also be used
to check if there are any warnings or validation conditions that will cause the rollback to proceed
under unideal circumstances. For example, if a component must be rebuilt as part of the rollback
causing it to take longer than usual.
Click to expand an example response for Valid rollback.
Click to expand an example response for Valid rollback with warnings.
{"value":{"valid":true,"warnings":[{"code":"image_source_missing_digest","components":["docker-worker"],"message":"one or more components are missing an image digest and are not guaranteed rollback to the old version"}]}}
Click to expand an example response for Invalid rollback.
{"value":{"valid":false,"error":{"code":"incompatible_result","message":"deployment result \"failed\" is unsuitable for rollback"}}}
Click to expand an example response.
{"id":"unauthorized","message":"Unable to authenticate you."}
The resource was not found.
Click to expand an example response.
{"id":"not_found","message":"The resource you requested could not be found."}