
App Platform is a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offering from DigitalOcean that allows developers to publish code directly to DigitalOcean servers without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

Most API operations are centered around a few core object types. Following are the definitions of these types. These definitions will be omitted from the operation-specific documentation.

For documentation on app specifications (AppSpec objects), please refer to the product documentation).

Update destinations for alerts
Cancel a Deployment
Commit App Rollback
Create an App Deployment
Create a New App
Delete an App
Retrieve an App Deployment
Retrieve an Instance Size
Retrieve Active Deployment Aggregate Logs
Retrieve Active Deployment Logs
Retrieve Aggregate Deployment Logs
Retrieve Deployment Logs
Retrieve App Daily Bandwidth Metrics
Retrieve an Existing App
List all app alerts
List App Deployments
List Instance Sizes
Retrieve Multiple Apps’ Daily Bandwidth Metrics
List App Regions
List All Apps
Revert App Rollback
Update an App
Propose an App Spec
Validate App Rollback