A DigitalOcean image can be used to create a Droplet and may come in a number of flavors.
Currently, there are five types of images: snapshots, backups, applications, distributions, and custom images.
Snapshots provide a full copy of an existing Droplet instance taken on demand.
Backups are similar to snapshots but are created automatically at regular intervals when enabled for a Droplet.
Custom images are Linux-based virtual machine images (raw, qcow2, vhdx, vdi, and vmdk formats are supported) that you may upload for use on DigitalOcean.
Distributions are the public Linux distributions that are available to be used as a base to create Droplets.
Applications, or 1-Click Apps, are distributions pre-configured with additional software.
To interact with images, you will generally send requests to the images endpoint at /v2/images.