
A DigitalOcean image can be used to create a Droplet and may come in a number of flavors.

Currently, there are five types of images: snapshots, backups, applications, distributions, and custom images.

  • Snapshots provide a full copy of an existing Droplet instance taken on demand.

  • Backups are similar to snapshots but are created automatically at regular intervals when enabled for a Droplet.

  • Custom images are Linux-based virtual machine images (raw, qcow2, vhdx, vdi, and vmdk formats are supported) that you may upload for use on DigitalOcean.

  • Distributions are the public Linux distributions that are available to be used as a base to create Droplets.

  • Applications, or 1-Click Apps, are distributions pre-configured with additional software.

To interact with images, you will generally send requests to the images endpoint at /v2/images.

Create a Custom Image
Delete an Image
Retrieve an Existing Image
List All Images
Update an Image