Droplet Pricing

DigitalOcean Droplets are Linux-based virtual machines (VMs) that run on top of virtualized hardware. Each Droplet you create is a new server you can use, either standalone or as part of a larger, cloud-based infrastructure.

The base price of a Droplet depends on its plan. This page has tables of prices by Droplet plan, as does the main pricing page. These prices are also visible when you create a Droplet from the control panel.

You can learn more about Droplet plans on the Droplet features page and on Choosing the Right Droplet Plan.

Droplet Billing Details

Droplets are billed hourly with a minimum charge of one hour. If you create a Droplet and destroy it less than an hour later, you are still charged the minimum charge of $0.01.

Billing for all Droplets begins when you create them and ends when you destroy them. You are still billed for Droplets that are powered off because the compute resources for the Droplet stay reserved on the hypervisor, even when they are not in use. To end billing, destroy the Droplet.

Droplet Bandwidth

Each Droplet plan includes an amount of free outbound data transfer. Additional outbound transfer is billed at $0.01 per GiB. Inbound transfer to Droplets is free.

Transfer allowance and usage is pooled cumulatively across all Droplets at the team level, not individually per Droplet. Accrued transfer does not roll over between months and cannot be transferred between teams.

Any data transfer sent by a Droplet using a public network interface counts against the transfer pool for that Droplet’s team. All IPv6 traffic uses the public interface. Data transfer between Droplets over the VPC network uses a private network interface. We do not bill for outbound data transfer that we determine is dropped by a DigitalOcean firewall rule.

In the Droplet Transfer (Bandwidth) Overview section of the team billing page, you can view usage data and projections about your team’s transfer pool, updated daily. We base projections on the assumption that your team maintains the same daily averages for both quantity of active Droplets and bandwidth usage through the end of the billing cycle.

You can calculate bandwidth costs using our Droplet bandwidth calculator.

For more details and examples of bandwidth billing for Droplets, see the bandwidth billing page.

Pricing by Droplet Plan

For a list of the Droplet plans we offer, see the Droplets pricing page.

You can also retrieve a list of available Droplet plans using the API endpoint /v2/sizes or the CLI command doctl compute size list.

GPU Droplets

If you are a newer DigitalOcean customer, we may charge your team’s primary payment method partway through the monthly billing cycle when you create GPU Droplets, but your total cost is not increased. This is a precautionary measure to prevent abuse of our platform.

Size Slug gpu-h100x1-80gb gpu-h100x8-640gb
GPUs per Droplet 1 8
GPU Memory 80 GB 640 GB
Droplet Memory 240 GB 1,920 GB
Droplet vCPUs 20 160
Local Storage: Boot Disk 720 GiB NVMe 2 TiB NVMe
Local Storage: Scratch Disk 5 TiB NVMe 40 TiB NVMe
Maximum Network Bandwidth 10 Gbps public
25 Gbps private
10 Gbps public
25 Gbps private
Price $3.39 per hour $23.92 per hour
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