MongoDB Release Notes

May 2024

6 May

April 2024

26 April

  • You can now reconfigure MongoDB databases via the API, which lets you edit many database engine parameters that were previously unavailable for editing. For more detailed steps, see How to Reconfigure Database Clusters.

March 2023

13 March

June 2022

27 June

  • To improve security, DigitalOcean no longer accepts TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 connections. This includes connections to,, and

2 June

April 2022

13 April

January 2022

6 January

August 2021

9 August

  • MongoDB is now available as a managed database engine in the AMS3, BLR1, FRA1, LON1, NYC1, NYC3, SFO3, SGP1, and TOR1 regions.

  • Released v1.63.0 of doctl, the official DigitalOcean CLI. This release includes a number of new features:

    • The database firewall sub-commands now support apps as trusted sources
    • New monitoring alert sub-commands for creating and managing alert policies
    • The --droplet-agent flag was added to the compute droplet create sub-command to optionally disable installing the agent for the Droplet web console

June 2021

28 June