
Provides a DigitalOcean Droplet Autoscale resource. This can be used to create, modify, read and delete Droplet Autoscale pools.

Example Usage

resource "digitalocean_ssh_key" "my-ssh-key" {
  name       = "terraform-example"
  public_key = file("/Users/terraform/.ssh/")

resource "digitalocean_tag" "my-tag" {
  name = "terraform-example"

resource "digitalocean_droplet_autoscale" "my-autoscale-pool" {
  name = "terraform-example"

  config {
    min_instances             = 10
    max_instances             = 50
    target_cpu_utilization    = 0.5
    target_memory_utilization = 0.5
    cooldown_minutes          = 5

  droplet_template {
    size               = "c-2"
    region             = "nyc3"
    image              = "ubuntu-24-04-x64"
    tags               = []
    ssh_keys           = []
    with_droplet_agent = true
    ipv6               = true
    user_data          = "\n#cloud-config\nruncmd:\n- apt-get update\n- apt-get install -y stress-ng\n"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The name of the Droplet Autoscale pool.
  • config - (Required) The configuration parameters for Droplet Autoscale pool, the supported arguments are documented below.
  • droplet_template - (Required) The droplet template parameters for Droplet Autoscale pool, the supported arguments are documented below.

config supports the following:

  • min_instances - The minimum number of instances to maintain in the Droplet Autoscale pool.
  • max_instances - The maximum number of instances to maintain in the Droplet Autoscale pool.
  • target_cpu_utilization - The target average CPU load (in range [0, 1]) to maintain in the Droplet Autoscale pool.
  • target_memory_utilization - The target average Memory load (in range [0, 1]) to maintain in the Droplet Autoscale pool.
  • cooldown_minutes - The cooldown duration between scaling events for the Droplet Autoscale pool.
  • target_number_instances - The static number of instances to maintain in the pool Droplet Autoscale pool. This argument cannot be used with any other config options.

droplet_template supports the following:

  • size - (Required) Size slug of the Droplet Autoscale pool underlying resource(s).
  • region - (Required) Region slug of the Droplet Autoscale pool underlying resource(s).
  • image - (Required) Image slug of the Droplet Autoscale pool underlying resource(s).
  • tags - List of tags to add to the Droplet Autoscale pool underlying resource(s).
  • ssh_keys - (Required) SSH fingerprints to add to the Droplet Autoscale pool underlying resource(s).
  • vpc_uuid - VPC UUID to create the Droplet Autoscale pool underlying resource(s). If not provided, this is inferred from the specified region (default VPC).
  • with_droplet_agent - Boolean flag to enable metric agent on the Droplet Autoscale pool underlying resource(s). The metric agent enables collecting resource utilization metrics, which allows making resource based scaling decisions.
  • project_id - Project UUID to create the Droplet Autoscale pool underlying resource(s).
  • ipv6 - Boolean flag to enable IPv6 networking on the Droplet Autoscale pool underlying resource(s).
  • user_data - Custom user data that can be added to the Droplet Autoscale pool underlying resource(s). This can be a cloud init script that user may configure to setup their application workload.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The ID of the Droplet Autoscale pool.
  • current_utilization - The current average resource utilization of the Droplet Autoscale pool, this attribute further embeds memory and cpu attributes to respectively report utilization data.
  • status - Droplet Autoscale pool health status; this reflects if the pool is currently healthy and ready to accept traffic, or in an error state and needs user intervention.
  • created_at - Created at timestamp for the Droplet Autoscale pool.
  • updated_at - Updated at timestamp for the Droplet Autoscale pool.


Droplet Autoscale pools can be imported using their id, e.g.

terraform import 38e66834-d741-47ec-88e7-c70cbdcz0445