
Retrieve information about all supported DigitalOcean regions, with the ability to filter and sort the results. If no filters are specified, all regions will be returned.

Note: You can use the digitalocean_region data source to obtain metadata about a single region if you already know the slug to retrieve.

Example Usage

Use the filter block with a key string and values list to filter regions.

For example to find all available regions:

data "digitalocean_regions" "available" {
  filter {
    key    = "available"
    values = ["true"]

You can filter on multiple fields and sort the results as well:

data "digitalocean_regions" "available" {
  filter {
    key    = "available"
    values = ["true"]
  filter {
    key    = "features"
    values = ["private_networking"]
  sort {
    key       = "name"
    direction = "desc"

Argument Reference

  • filter - (Optional) Filter the results. The filter block is documented below.
  • sort - (Optional) Sort the results. The sort block is documented below.

filter supports the following arguments:

  • key - (Required) Filter the regions by this key. This may be one of slug, name, available, features, or sizes.

  • values - (Required) A list of values to match against the key field. Only retrieves regions where the key field takes on one or more of the values provided here.

  • match_by - (Optional) One of exact (default), re, or substring. For string-typed fields, specify re to match by using the values as regular expressions, or specify substring to match by treating the values as substrings to find within the string field.

  • all - (Optional) Set to true to require that a field match all of the values instead of just one or more of them. This is useful when matching against multi-valued fields such as lists or sets where you want to ensure that all of the values are present in the list or set.

sort supports the following arguments:

  • key - (Required) Sort the regions by this key. This may be one of slug, name, or available.
  • direction - (Required) The sort direction. This may be either asc or desc.

Attributes Reference

  • regions - A set of regions satisfying any filter and sort criteria. Each region has the following attributes:
    • slug - A human-readable string that is used as a unique identifier for each region.
    • name - The display name of the region.
    • available - A boolean value that represents whether new Droplets can be created in this region.
    • sizes - A set of identifying slugs for the Droplet sizes available in this region.
    • features - A set of features available in this region.