
Provides information on a DigitalOcean database cluster resource.

Example Usage

data "digitalocean_database_cluster" "example" {
  name = "example-cluster"

output "database_output" {
  value = data.digitalocean_database_cluster.example.uri

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (Required) The name of the database cluster.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • id - The ID of the database cluster.
  • urn - The uniform resource name of the database cluster.
  • engine - Database engine used by the cluster (ex. pg for PostreSQL).
  • version - Engine version used by the cluster (ex. 11 for PostgreSQL 11).
  • size - Database droplet size associated with the cluster (ex. db-s-1vcpu-1gb).
  • region - DigitalOcean region where the cluster will reside.
  • node_count - Number of nodes that will be included in the cluster.
  • maintenance_window - Defines when the automatic maintenance should be performed for the database cluster.
  • private_network_uuid - The ID of the VPC where the database cluster is located.
  • host - Database cluster’s hostname.
  • private_host - Same as host, but only accessible from resources within the account and in the same region.
  • port - Network port that the database cluster is listening on.
  • uri - The full URI for connecting to the database cluster.
  • private_uri - Same as uri, but only accessible from resources within the account and in the same region.
  • database - Name of the cluster’s default database.
  • user - Username for the cluster’s default user.
  • password - Password for the cluster’s default user.
  • project_id - The ID of the project that the database cluster is assigned to.

maintenance_window supports the following:

  • day - The day of the week on which to apply maintenance updates.
  • hour - The hour in UTC at which maintenance updates will be applied in 24 hour format.

OpenSearch clusters will have the following additional attributes with connection details for their dashboard:

  • ui_host - Hostname for the OpenSearch dashboard.
  • ui_port - Network port that the OpenSearch dashboard is listening on.
  • ui_uri - The full URI for connecting to the OpenSearch dashboard.
  • ui_database - Name of the OpenSearch dashboard db.
  • ui_user - Username for OpenSearch dashboard’s default user.
  • ui_password - Password for the OpenSearch dashboard’s default user.