

To create your container registry, send a POST request to /v2/registry.

The name becomes part of the URL for images stored in the registry. For example, if your registry is called example, an image in it will have the URL

Request Sample

import os
from pydo import Client

client = Client(token=os.environ.get("DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN"))

req = {
  "name": "example",
  "subscription_tier_slug": "basic",
  "region": "fra1"

resp = client.registry.create(body=req)


See the API spec for this endpoint to view additional detail on responses, headers, parameters, and more.

The response will be a JSON object with the key registry containing information about your registry.

Click to expand an example response.
  "registry": {
    "name": "example",
    "created_at": "2020-03-21T16:02:37Z",
    "region": "fra1",
    "storage_usage_bytes": 29393920,
    "storage_usage_bytes_updated_at": "2020-11-04T21:39:49.530562231Z",
    "subscription": {
      "tier": {
        "name": "Basic",
        "slug": "basic",
        "included_repositories": 5,
        "included_storage_bytes": 5368709120,
        "allow_storage_overage": true,
        "included_bandwidth_bytes": 5368709120,
        "monthly_price_in_cents": 500,
        "storage_overage_price_in_cents": 2
      "created_at": "2020-01-23T21:19:12Z",
      "updated_at": "2020-11-05T15:53:24Z"


Click to expand an example response.
  "id": "unauthorized",
  "message": "Unable to authenticate you."

API Rate limit exceeded

Click to expand an example response.
  "id": "too_many_requests",
  "message": "API Rate limit exceeded."

Server error.

Click to expand an example response.
  "id": "server_error",
  "message": "Unexpected server-side error"

Unexpected error

Click to expand an example response.
  "id": "example_error",
  "message": "some error message"