Generated on 25 November 2024
from pydo
version v0.6.0
To retrieve the balances on a customer’s account, send a GET request to /v2/customers/my/balance
Request Sample
import os
from pydo import Client
client = Client(token=os.environ.get("DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN"))
balance = client.balance.get()
See the API spec for this endpoint to view additional detail on responses, headers, parameters, and more.
The response will be a JSON object that contains the following attributes
Click to expand an example response.
"month_to_date_balance": "23.44",
"account_balance": "12.23",
"month_to_date_usage": "11.21",
"generated_at": "2019-07-09T15:01:12Z"
Click to expand an example response.
"id": "unauthorized",
"message": "Unable to authenticate you."
The resource was not found.
Click to expand an example response.
"id": "not_found",
"message": "The resource you requested could not be found."
API Rate limit exceeded
Click to expand an example response.
"id": "too_many_requests",
"message": "API Rate limit exceeded."
Server error.
Click to expand an example response.
"id": "server_error",
"message": "Unexpected server-side error"
Unexpected error
Click to expand an example response.
"id": "example_error",
"message": "some error message"