machine Private Preview

Manage your Paperspace machines.

For more information, see the Machines documentation.

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

–log-level, -l (string, optional)

Enable debug logging. One of debug, info, warning, error, or critical.

–json, -j (boolean, optional)

Output JSON

–api-key (string, optional)

A Paperspace public API Key used for authenticating requests

–help, -h (boolean, optional)

Show help for a command

pspace machine create

Create a machine.


–fields, -F (string, optional)

The fields to include in the response.

–name, -n (string, required)

The name of the machine

–machine-type (string, required)

The machine type to create

–template-id (string, required)

The ID of the template to create the machine from

–network-id (string, optional)

The ID of the network to create the machine in

–region (string, required)

The region to create the machine in

–disk-size (number, required)

The size of the machine’s disk

–public-ip-type (string, optional)

The public IP type.

–auto-snapshot-enabled (boolean, optional)

Whether to enable auto snapshots.

–auto-snapshot-frequency (string, optional)

The auto snapshot frequency.

–auto-snapshot-save-count (number, optional)

The number of auto snapshots to save.

–auto-shutdown-enabled (boolean, optional)

Whether to enable auto shutdown.

–auto-shutdown-timeout (number, optional)

The auto shutdown timeout in hours.

–auto-shutdown-force (boolean, optional)

Whether to force shutdown the machine.

–take-initial-snapshot (boolean, optional)

Whether to take an initial snapshot.

–restore-point-enabled (boolean, optional)

Whether to use initial snapshot as a restore point.

–restore-point-frequency (string, optional)

The restore point frequency.

–startup-script-id (string, optional)

The startup script ID.

–email-password (boolean, optional)

Whether to email the password.

–start-on-create (boolean, optional)

Whether to start the machine on creation.

Whether to enable NVLink.

–accessor-ids (string, optional)

The accessors of the machine.

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

–log-level, -l (string, optional)

Enable debug logging. One of debug, info, warning, error, or critical.

–json, -j (boolean, optional)

Output JSON

–api-key (string, optional)

A Paperspace public API Key used for authenticating requests

–help, -h (boolean, optional)

Show help for a command

pspace machine get

Get a machine from a team.


[argument] (string, required)

The ID of the machine to get


–fields, -F (string, optional)

The fields to include in the response.

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

–log-level, -l (string, optional)

Enable debug logging. One of debug, info, warning, error, or critical.

–json, -j (boolean, optional)

Output JSON

–api-key (string, optional)

A Paperspace public API Key used for authenticating requests

–help, -h (boolean, optional)

Show help for a command

pspace machine list

List machines in your team.

Pick a subset of fields to display:

pspace machine list -F name -F dtModified


–limit (number, optional)

The number of items to return in the next page.

–after (string, optional)

The cursor to fetch the next results from.

–orderBy (string, optional)

The field to order items by. One of dtCreated.

–asc (boolean, optional)

Whether to order items ascending.

–desc (boolean, optional)

Whether to order items descending.

–fields, -F (string, optional)

The fields to include in the response.

–agent-type, -a (string, optional)

Filter by agent type.

–machine-type, -m (string, optional)

Filter by machine type.

–name, -n (string, optional)

Filter by name.

–region, -r (string, optional)

Filter by region.

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

–log-level, -l (string, optional)

Enable debug logging. One of debug, info, warning, error, or critical.

–json, -j (boolean, optional)

Output JSON

–api-key (string, optional)

A Paperspace public API Key used for authenticating requests

–help, -h (boolean, optional)

Show help for a command

pspace machine update

Update a machine’s settings.


[argument] (string, required)

The ID of the machine to update


–fields, -F (string, optional)

The fields to include in the response.

–name, -n (string, required)

The name of the machine

–machine-type (string, required)

The machine type to update to

–network-id (string, optional)

The ID of the network to create the machine in

–disk-size (number, required)

The size of the machine’s disk

–public-ip-type (string, optional)

The public IP type.

–auto-snapshot-enabled (boolean, optional)

Whether to enable auto snapshots.

–auto-snapshot-frequency (string, optional)

The auto snapshot frequency.

–auto-snapshot-save-count (number, optional)

The number of auto snapshots to save.

–auto-shutdown-enabled (boolean, optional)

Whether to enable auto shutdown.

–auto-shutdown-timeout (number, optional)

The auto shutdown timeout in hours.

–auto-shutdown-force (boolean, optional)

Whether to force shutdown the machine.

–restore-point-enabled (boolean, optional)

Whether to enable a restore point.

–restore-point-frequency (string, optional)

The restore point frequency.

–restore-point-snapshot-id (string, optional)

The ID of the snapshot to use as a restore point.

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

–log-level, -l (string, optional)

Enable debug logging. One of debug, info, warning, error, or critical.

–json, -j (boolean, optional)

Output JSON

–api-key (string, optional)

A Paperspace public API Key used for authenticating requests

–help, -h (boolean, optional)

Show help for a command

pspace machine restart

Restart a machine from a team.


[argument] (string, required)

The ID of the machine to restart


–fields, -F (string, optional)

The fields to include in the response.

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

–log-level, -l (string, optional)

Enable debug logging. One of debug, info, warning, error, or critical.

–json, -j (boolean, optional)

Output JSON

–api-key (string, optional)

A Paperspace public API Key used for authenticating requests

–help, -h (boolean, optional)

Show help for a command

pspace machine start

Start a machine from a team.


[argument] (string, required)

The ID of the machine to start


–fields, -F (string, optional)

The fields to include in the response.

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

–log-level, -l (string, optional)

Enable debug logging. One of debug, info, warning, error, or critical.

–json, -j (boolean, optional)

Output JSON

–api-key (string, optional)

A Paperspace public API Key used for authenticating requests

–help, -h (boolean, optional)

Show help for a command

pspace machine stop

Stop a machine from a team.


[argument] (string, required)

The ID of the machine to stop


–fields, -F (string, optional)

The fields to include in the response.

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

–log-level, -l (string, optional)

Enable debug logging. One of debug, info, warning, error, or critical.

–json, -j (boolean, optional)

Output JSON

–api-key (string, optional)

A Paperspace public API Key used for authenticating requests

–help, -h (boolean, optional)

Show help for a command

pspace machine delete

Delete a machine from a team.


[argument] (string, required)

The ID of the machine to delete


–fields, -F (string, optional)

The fields to include in the response.

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

–log-level, -l (string, optional)

Enable debug logging. One of debug, info, warning, error, or critical.

–json, -j (boolean, optional)

Output JSON

–api-key (string, optional)

A Paperspace public API Key used for authenticating requests

–help, -h (boolean, optional)

Show help for a command

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