How to Resize Kafka Clusters

Kafka is an open-source distributed event and stream-processing platform built to process demanding real-time data feeds. It is inherently scalable, with high throughput and availability.

You can resize existing Kafka clusters at any time to add more CPUs, RAM, and storage.

You cannot reduce the amount of added storage in a cluster lower than the amount of storage you are currently using in your cluster.

To resize a Kafka database cluster, click the name of the cluster in the control panel to go to its Overview page, then click the Settings tab.

In the Cluster configuration section, click Edit. Select your cluster configuration and CPU option.

Cluster configuration section with additional nodes selected

Then, select your storage size. If you select a Dedicated CPU plan, you can also customize the number of nodes in the cluster to 3, 6, 9, or 15 nodes.

Once you have selected your new configuration and size, click Save to provision the new configuration. The provisioning takes several minutes but the total time depends on the size of the cluster.

Your cluster’s state changes from Active to Resizing until the process is done. You can expect no downtime and do not need to take action.