deployment Private Preview

Deploy ML apps to Paperspace.

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

–log-level, -l (string, optional)

Enable debug logging. One of debug, info, warning, error, or critical.

–json, -j (boolean, optional)

Output JSON

–api-key (string, optional)

A Paperspace public API Key used for authenticating requests

–help, -h (boolean, optional)

Show help for a command

pspace deployment get

Get a deployment by its ID. If you don’t provide an ID, this command prompts you for one based on the deployments you have access to.

pspace deployment get 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000

Pick a subset of fields to display:

pspace deployment get 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000 -F name


[argument] (string, required)

The deployment ID to get.


–fields, -F (string, optional)

The fields to include in the response.

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

–log-level, -l (string, optional)

Enable debug logging. One of debug, info, warning, error, or critical.

–json, -j (boolean, optional)

Output JSON

–api-key (string, optional)

A Paperspace public API Key used for authenticating requests

–help, -h (boolean, optional)

Show help for a command

pspace deployment list

List deployments in your team.

Pick a subset of fields to display:

pspace deployment list -F id -F name


–limit (number, optional)

The number of items to return in the next page.

–after (string, optional)

The cursor to fetch the next results from.

–orderBy (string, optional)

The field to order items by. One of dtCreated.

–asc (boolean, optional)

Whether to order items ascending.

–desc (boolean, optional)

Whether to order items descending.

–fields, -F (string, optional)

The fields to include in the response.

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

–log-level, -l (string, optional)

Enable debug logging. One of debug, info, warning, error, or critical.

–json, -j (boolean, optional)

Output JSON

–api-key (string, optional)

A Paperspace public API Key used for authenticating requests

–help, -h (boolean, optional)

Show help for a command

pspace deployment up

This command creates a new deployment for your app or update it if it already exists. You can optionally specify a path to a config file. If no config file is specified, the default config file paths is tried.

Create a new deployment for the app in the current directory.

$ pspace deployment create

Create a new deployment using a config file.

$ pspace deployment create -c paperspace.json

Create a new deployment for an app in a different directory.

$ pspace deployment create --cwd ../my-app

Create a new deployment for an app in a specific project.

$ pspace deployment create --project-id 1234


–config, -c (string, optional)

The path to the config file. Defaults to our default config file paths.

The default config file paths are in order of precedence:

  • paperspace.yaml
  • paperspace.yml
  • paperspace.json
  • paperspace.jsonc
  • paperspace.toml
  • .paperspace/app.yaml
  • .paperspace/app.yml
  • .paperspace/app.json
  • .paperspace/app.jsonc
  • .paperspace/app.toml

–project-id, -p (string, optional)

The ID of the project to deploy to.

–cwd (string, optional)

The directory to deploy the app from. Defaults to the current directory.

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

–log-level, -l (string, optional)

Enable debug logging. One of debug, info, warning, error, or critical.

–json, -j (boolean, optional)

Output JSON

–api-key (string, optional)

A Paperspace public API Key used for authenticating requests

–help, -h (boolean, optional)

Show help for a command

pspace deployment delete

Delete a deployment by its ID. If you don’t provide an ID, this command prompts you for one based on the deployments you have access to.

pspace deployment delete 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000


[argument] (string, required)

The deployment ID to delete.

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

–log-level, -l (string, optional)

Enable debug logging. One of debug, info, warning, error, or critical.

–json, -j (boolean, optional)

Output JSON

–api-key (string, optional)

A Paperspace public API Key used for authenticating requests

–help, -h (boolean, optional)

Show help for a command

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