
Video and streaming applications

Scalable, Ultra Low Latency & Adaptive WebRTC Streaming Media Server
Scalable Ultra Low Latency WebRTC, Adaptive Bitrate, RTMP, MP4, HLS, RTSP
Scalable Ultra Low Latency WebRTC, Adaptive Bitrate, RTMP, MP4, HLS, RTSP
A decentralized media server stack designed to handle media streaming on a global scale, making it s…
AzuraCast is a self-hosted, free and open-source “web radio in a box”, containing all of the neces…
Chevereto is a turnkey, full-featured self-hosted image sharing application.
Chevereto-Free allows you to create a full-featured image hosting website on your own server.
Streaming media server-side platform for real-time video delivery in browsers and mobile apps
Hubs Cloud Personal lets you create immersive spaces that are accessible through the web. It’s your …
Jitsi is an open source app for videoconferencing and chat. Works with Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and …
Owncast is an open source, self-hosted live video and chat server for use with existing popular broa…
Privately browse, organize, and share your photo collection.
SRS Stack is an all-in-one, out-of-the-box, and open-source video solution for creating online video…
your personal, self-hosted, open source, multi-streaming server

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