
DigitalOcean Kubernetes (DOKS) is a managed Kubernetes service. Deploy Kubernetes clusters with a fully managed control plane, high availability, autoscaling, and native integration with DigitalOcean Load Balancers and volumes. DOKS clusters are compatible with standard Kubernetes toolchains and the DigitalOcean API and CLI.

Deprecated APIs scheduled for removal in 1.25 are no longer served. Make sure to read the Urgent Upgrade Notes and adjust your manifests accordingly.

Note: If your cluster was originally created on 1.24 or older and had not been upgraded since December 2022, it may undergo a control plane migration.

  • First 1.25.x release
  • Updates to system components:
  • Changes to system components:
    • Added LBaaS HTTP/3 support in CCM
      • This enables HTTP/3 forwarding rule support for the Load Balancer