Ephemeral File

Ephemeral files are temporary files used for program execution and tasks.

Ephemeral files have a short lifespan and do not persist after completing their task. Typically, these files are stored in temporary directories and are used for tasks like temporary data storage and caching. The use of ephemeral files potentially optimizes system resources and data processing.

An example of an ephemeral file is when you open a Microsoft Word document. While the file is open, Word creates a temporary version of the file on your computer to read and write into as you edit the document. Once you have saved your edits and closed the file, Word writes the changes to the persistent file and deletes the temporary one.

App Platform containers use ephemeral storage, meaning that any files stored in the app’s container are deleted upon redeployment of the app. For more information on App Platform’s use of ephemeral files, see App Platform’s Limits.

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