
Tags are keywords associated with DigitalOcean resources. You can use tags to organize and manage resources.

Tags organize infrastructure and enable you to filter resources. For example, you can apply a tag to several DigitalOcean Droplets to identify them as web servers. Then, you can use that tag to view, manage, or take actions on only those tagged Droplets.

App Platform

You can use tags to specify the container image to use or the repository that contains your app’s source code.

Container Registry

In Docker, the tag must be valid ASCII, only including lowercase and uppercase letters, digits, underscores, periods, and dashes. Tags cannot start with a period or dash and can only be less than or equal to 128 characters long.

You can group together images using a tag. Then, you can use the docker tag command to tag your image with the fully-qualified destination path, and then use docker push to upload it to your registry:

docker tag <my-image> registry.digitalocean.com/<my-registry>/<my-image>
docker push registry.digitalocean.com/<my-registry>/<my-image>


Tags are custom labels that enable you to filter MongoDB clusters or create monitoring alert policies.

For more information on tags, see How to Tag MongoDB Database Clusters.


Tags are custom labels that enable you to filter MySQL clusters or create monitoring alert policies.

For more information on tags, see How to Tag MySQL Database Clusters.


Tags are custom labels that enable you to filter PostgreSQL clusters or create monitoring alert policies.

For more information on tags, see How to Tag PostgreSQL Database Clusters.


Tags are custom labels that enable you to filter Redis clusters or create monitoring alert policies.

For more information on tags, see How to Tag Redis Database Clusters.


Tags are custom labels you can apply to Droplets and other DigitalOcean resources. You can filter tagged Droplets, automatically include Droplets in DigitalOcean Firewall or Load Balancer configurations by tag, create monitoring alert policies for groups of tagged Droplets, and use the DigitalOcean API to initiate an action across multiple Droplets with the same tag.


Tags allow you to apply firewall rule sets to many Droplets simultaneously. For example, if you had several Droplets in a closed VPC network that had no need for internet access, you could develop a set of firewall rules that block all inbound traffic on public ports, associate the rule set with a tag, and then apply that tag to each Droplet in the closed network. This would result in each Droplet having the same set of firewall rules that block all public internet traffic.

Using tags with firewall rule sets allows you to scale your resource security by removing the need to develop rule sets for each individual resource.

Load Balancer

If you need to add more than 10 Droplets to a load balancer, you can add a tag to them instead of adding them individually. You can apply the tag to as many Droplets as needed and then add the tag to the load balancer. There is no limit to the number of Droplets to which you can apply a tag. Using a tag automatically updates your load balancer when you add or remove the tag from Droplets.

You can only use one tag per load balancer.

Tag Articles

Add additional security to an OpenSearch managed database cluster by restricting incoming connections and using encrypted connections.
Deploy applications from monorepos in App Platform.
Configure alert policies based on database cluster performance metrics.