
doctl (pronounced “dock-tul”, and short for “DigitalOcean Control”) is the official command-line interface for the DigitalOcean API.

doctl allows you to interact with your DigitalOcean resources from the command line of your local computer. Almost any action you can perform in the DigitalOcean Control Panel you can perform using doctl, such as creating and destroying Droplets, assigning reserved IP addresses, and updating cloud firewall settings. You can install doctl using popular package managers like brew and snap.

doctl is one of the simplest paths to automating your DigitalOcean interactions by making them available to shell scripts.

App Platform

The commands that allow you to automate App Platform interactions live under the doctl apps command space. To create or update your apps, you need to provide a path to the app spec for your app.

You can configure your app in the control panel by defining an app specification using YAML. YAML-based app specs are useful for deploying fully-configured apps with the DigitalOcean API or doctl, the DigitalOcean command-line tool.

The commands for App Platform are inside the apps command space.

To create or update an app, you can pass in a YAML app specification to the create command, as in doctl apps create --spec <path-to-spec>.

Volumes Block Storage

You can manage volumes from the command line by using doctl. See the doctl compute volume documentation or use doctl compute volume --help for more information.

The sub-commands of doctl compute volume manage your volumes.

doctl Articles

View application, build, deploy, and runtime logs in App Platform.
Delete apps from your app platform.
Create and configure functions in App Platform. Functions are blocks of code that run on demand without the need to manage any infrastructure.