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A preconfigured image for Droplets or DigitalOcean Kubernetes clusters.
A SaaS product provided by a third-party vendor through the DigitalOcean Marketplace.
An IP address on a Droplet that reserved IPs can bind to.
A YAML manifest that defines an app in App Platform.
The official command-line interface for the DigitalOcean API.
An unroutable container component in App Platform that runs a process to completion at a scheduled time.
The hardware resources available for a Paperspace Machine.
A collection of functions hosted on DigitalOcean Functions.
A collection of DigitalOcean Functions within a project.
The ability to perform an action on the DigitalOcean platform.
A structured collection of files used to create Digitalocean Functions.
An instance of a DigitalOcean product.
A set of permissions granted to users on a team.
A permission that a user can grant to their API tokens.
A routable container component in App Platform that runs server-side code.
An App Platform component that consists only of a build process that produces static assets.
A custom keyword you can associate with DigitalOcean resources.
Base images used to create Paperspace Machines.
An unroutable container component in App Platform that runs server-side code.
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