Reserved IP Reference

DigitalOcean Reserved IPs are publicly-accessible static IPv4 addresses. Assign and reassign reserved IP addresses to Droplets as needed, or implement an automated failover mechanism with reserved IPs to build a high availability infrastructure. IPv6 support is now available in public preview. Enroll in the feature preview to create reserved IPv6 addresses.

The DigitalOcean API

The DigitalOcean API lets you manage DigitalOcean resources programmatically using conventional HTTP requests. All the functionality available in the DigitalOcean Control Panel is also available through the API.

You can use the API to create, list, and delete reserved IP addresses. You can also manage specific reserved IP addresses using the API, such as assigning or unassigning them.

The DigitalOcean Command Line Client, doctl

doctl is a command-line interface for the DigitalOcean API and supports many of the same actions.

doctl supports managing reserved IP addresses from the command line. See the doctl documentation or use doctl compute reserved-ip --help for more information.

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