Functions are blocks of code that run on demand without the need to manage any infrastructure. Develop on your local machine, test your code from the command line (using doctl
), then deploy to a production namespace or App Platform — no servers required.
You may have up to 10 namespaces.
Namespaces have the following limits:
Up to 120 concurrent functions.
Up to 600 invocations per minute.
Up to 256 KB of logs per invocation.
Up to 3 days of log retention.
Functions have the following limits:
The maximum timeout is 15 minutes. This includes initialization and function execution.
The maximum size of input parameters is 1 MB.
The maximum size of result responses is 1 MB.
The maximum size of the built function is 48 MB. See the Building Functions reference for details on the build process.
The maximum build time for remote builds is 2 minutes.
Memory is limited from 128 MB – 1 GB, defaulting to 256 MB.
You cannot edit multi-file functions in the control panel.
Scheduled function triggers are currently in private preview.
You can create a maximum of 3 scheduled triggers during private preview.
Scheduled triggers are not yet available for function components deployed through App Platform.
While Functions can forward console and error logs to a third-party logging service, it currently only supports Logtail, Datadog, and Papertrail. For Logtail, create an HTTP source and use the generated token for the configuration.
We do not support PostgreSQL connection pools.
Activation records are only retained for asynchronous invocations of functions.
Activation records are retained for 72 hours.