Teams Custom Roles Private Preview

DigitalOcean manages the permissions included in the six predefined roles available to teams. For more granular control, you can create custom roles.

A custom role is a new role you can create on a team that includes only the permissions you choose. After you create a custom role, you can assign team members to that role in the same way as assigning predefined roles. You can also modify the permissions of a custom role after you create it.

Custom roles are available at no cost, and there is no limit to the number of custom roles you can create on a team.

A list of all permissions available for custom roles.
Create a custom role with only the permissions you choose for more granular control over team access to resources.

Considerations for Custom Roles

  • Because DigitalOcean manages the permissions included in predefined roles, permissions for new products or features are automatically included in the relevant predefined roles.

    However, we do not modify the permissions of custom roles on your behalf. If we release additional permissions for new products or features, they are not automatically included in any existing custom roles. You can edit your custom roles at any time to modify their permissions.

  • You cannot delete a custom role if any team members have that role. To delete a custom role, assign different roles to any team members with the custom role you want to delete first.

  • You can only create custom roles in the control panel. The DigitalOcean API and CLI client, doctl, do not support teams.

  • You cannot copy or transfer custom roles between teams.

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