How to Manage Team Membership

Owners can invite new people to a team, resend or revoke team invitations, change roles, and remove existing team members.

Each team member has a role which determines their permissions on the team. Permissions grant varying levels of access to the team’s shared resources, billing information, and settings.

There is no limit to the number of people on a team or the number of people who can have a given role.

View Team Membership

To manage the membership of a team, log in to the control panel. If you’re not already working within the team you want to use, click the profile icon in the top right to open the drop-down menu. Click Switch Teams, then click the team you want to use.

In the left menu, click Settings to go to the Team Settings page. In the Team Members section, the team page lists the team’s current membership:

Team membership roles and settings

Everyone on a team can see the membership table, which lists the entire team’s current roles and the status of their invitations to the team (joined or pending).

Owners can additionally see each team member’s sign-in method (email, email + 2FA, Google, or GitHub).

Invite New Members

To invite more people to a team, on the Team Settings page, click the Invite Members button to go to the Invite team members page.

Here, enter the email addresses of the people you want to invite, choose the role you want them to have when they first join the team, and optionally require secure sign-in if it isn’t already enabled for your team.

The Invite Members page

Click Send Invites to send the invitation emails.

Modify Existing Members

When someone has not accepted their invitation to the team, the Status column lists them as pending. The menu for pending team members has two options:

  • Resend email sends the invitation to join the team again.

  • Cancel invite revokes the invitation to join the team.

When someone accepts their invitation to the team, the Status column lists them as joined. The menu for joined team members has two options:

  • Change roles lets you change their team role.

  • Remove member removes them from the team, which removes their control panel and API access.

When an owner changes someone else’s role to owner, the original owner receives an email with a link to confirm the change. Once they confirm the change, the invited owner receives an email invitation to accept the new role.

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