Terraform Release Notes

March 2022

29 March

  • v2.19.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release adds custom region support of the digitalocean_container_registry resource.

8 March

  • v2.18.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release adds a new digitalocean_spaces_bucket_policy resource as well as support for configuring log destinations and alert policies in the digitalocean_app resource.

January 2022

14 January

  • v2.17.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release adds support for:

    • Fetching load balancer resources by ID in a datasource.
    • Updating the name and description for default VPC networks.

    It also includes bug fixes.

November 2021

8 November

  • v2.16.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release adds support for:

    • Scaling load balancers using the size_unit field.
    • source_kubernetes_ids and destination_kubernetes_ids attributes for Kubernetes firewall rules.

    It also includes bug fixes.

1 November

  • v2.15.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release adds support for:

    • Disabling automatic DNS record creation when using Let’s Encrypting certificates.
    • Revoking OAuth tokens when credentials are destroyed.

    It also includes bug fixes.

October 2021

7 October

  • v2.14.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release adds support for the high availability (ha) attribute when creating Kubernetes clusters.

5 October

  • v2.13.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release adds support for retrieving the CA certificate for database clusters. It also includes bug fixes.

September 2021

24 September

  • v2.12.1 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release adds CORS support for apps on App Platform and the ability to create monitoring alerts.

June 2021

29 June

  • v2.10.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release adds support for Kubernetes maintenance policies.

  • v2.10.1 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release adds bug fixes and other improvements.

May 2021

27 May

  • v2.7.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release adds support for distributing images to multiple regions.

March 2021

29 March

  • v2.7.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release adds support for Kubernetes node pool taints and resizing load balancers.

10 March

  • v2.6.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release enables surge upgrades for Kubernetes clusters by default and adds a digitalocean_firewall data source.

February 2021

3 February

  • v2.5.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release adds a number of improvements to the digitalocean_app resource including: support for images as a component source, support for job components, support for internal_ports for services, and support for wildcard domains.

January 2021

19 January

  • v2.4.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release includes support for deployments from GitLab and app-wide environment variables for the digitalocean_app resource, bug fixes, and other improvements.

December 2020

3 December

  • v2.3.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release includes support for configuring the size of a digitalocean_loadbalancer resource. OpenBSD binaries are now built and available for download.

November 2020

12 November

  • v2.2.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release adds a new digitalocean_ssh_keys data source and a digitalocean_custom_image resource.

6 November

  • v2.1.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. DigitalOcean Container Registry is now in general availability and requires a subscription plan. As a result, the digitalocean_container_registry resource now requires setting a subscription_tier_slug which is supported with this release.

October 2020

20 October

  • v2.0.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release uses v2.0.3 of the Terraform Plugin SDK and now only supports Terraform v0.12 and higher. It also includes a new digitalocean_records data source.

13 October

  • v1.23.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release introduces a new digitalocean_app resource with support for DigitalOcean App Platform.

July 2020

22 July

  • v1.22.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release includes auto_upgrade and surge_upgrade support for the digitalocean_kubernetes_cluster resource.

20 July

  • v1.21.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release includes the addition of https to the list of acceptable health check protocols for the digitalocean_loadbalancer resource.

June 2020

15 June

  • v1.20.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release includes the addition of a digitalocean_tags data source and improvements to other tag-related resources.

3 June

  • v1.19.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release includes initial support the DigitalOcean Container Registry.

May 2020

5 May

  • v1.18.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release includes support for the backend keepalive option for the load balancer resource and data source.

April 2020

28 April

  • v1.17.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release includes bug fixes and new Spaces data sources.

14 April

  • v1.16.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release includes VPC support and expanded Spaces support.

March 2020

18 March

  • v1.15.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release includes new data sources for accessing information about DigitalOcean regions, images, and projects, a new resource for adding resources to projects not created via Terraform, and a number of other improvements.

February 2020

5 February

  • v1.14.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release includes a bug fix for projects containing many resources and exposes the Droplet IDs for individual nodes in Kubernetes clusters.

January 2020

27 January

  • v1.13.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider is now available. This release adds support for tagging managed databases clusters.

December 2019

19 December

  • Released v1.12.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider. This release contains improvements to Managed Database support including a new resource for configuring trusted sources and the ability to set the global SQL mode or Redis eviction policy on a cluster. There is also a new data source for finding supported Kubernetes versions. Learn more on the Terraform Changelog.

November 2019

13 November

  • Released v1.11.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider. Learn more in the Terraform Changelog.

October 2019

31 October

  • Released v1.10.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider. Learn more in the Terraform Changelog.

September 2019

30 September

  • Released v1.8.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider. Learn more in the Terraform Changelog.

August 2019

27 August

5 August

  • Released version 1.6.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform provider.

May 2019

9 May

  • Released v1.3.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider. Learn more on the Terraform Changelog.

April 2019

23 April

December 2018

12 December

  • Released v1.1.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider. Learn more on the Terraform Changelog.

October 2018

5 October

  • Released v1.0.2 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider. Learn more on the Terraform Changelog.

2 October

  • Released v1.0.1 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider. Learn more on the Terraform Changelog.

September 2018

27 September

  • Released v1.0.0 of the DigitalOcean Terraform Provider, including new attachment resources for volumes and floating IPs, support for Let’s Encrypt certificates, auto-formatting for volumes, and CAA domain records, and more. Learn more: https://do.co/terraform-changelog