How to Use Clipboard Syncing and the Paperspace Password Tool on Windows-Based Machines

Machines are Linux and Windows virtual machines with persistent storage, GPU options, and free unlimited bandwidth. They’re designed for high-performance computing (HPC) workloads.

As of 1 July 2024, Windows-based templates are retired and unavailable to new Paperspace users. If you joined Paperspace prior to this date, you can still start, manage, and create Windows-based template machines.

Windows-based machines offer features designed to enhance your experience, such as clipboard syncing and the Paperspace Password Tool. The Sync Clipboard feature lets you copy and paste between your local machine and the Windows-based machine. The Paperspace Password Tool helps you view or change the Windows password on your machine.

Use Sync Clipboard Feature

To use the sync clipboard feature, you need to sync your local machine’s clipboard with your Paperspace machine.

To sync your local machine’s clipboard with your Paperspace machine, from your local machine, copy the text you want to paste.

Then, in your Paperspace machine, in the top-left corner, click the small circle button to open the drop-down menu, then click Sync Clipboard.

The desktop streaming options when desktop streaming.

Afterwards, paste the text using your machine’s standard pasting hotkeys, such as CTRL+SHIFT+C for Linux, or CTRL+V for Windows.

Use Paperspace Password Tool

The Paperspace Password Tool (Paperspace-Password-Tool.exe) is a Paperspace managed utility tool for Windows-based machines, used to reveal and change the Windows password on your machine.

You may need your Windows password to configure or set up certain software on your Windows-based machine, so you may need to know or change your Windows password. Only the default user, paperspace, has the authority to see or change the Windows password. All Windows-based machines are created with a password, by default.

To see the current Windows password, go to the Paperspace console, in the top-right corner, click the drop-down menu, select CORE, then click the Machines tab. In the Machines section, find and select the Windows-based machine you want to use, then connect to that machine.

In your machine, go to the File Explorer, then to the root directory (C:/) where the Paperspace-Password-Tool.exe file is located.

Download Paperspace Password Tool

If you cannot find or have removed the tool, download it into your machine.

After downloading the tool, unblock the file to avoid any Windows warning messages.

To unblock the file, right-click the file, click Properties >, click Unblock, then click OK.

To see your current password, execute the Paperspace-Password-Tool.exe file, which opens the Paperspace Set Password window. In the Paperspace Set Password window, under Current Password is where you can see your machine’s current password.

The Paperspace Set Password app of the Paperspace Password Tool with Windows password revealed.

Change Windows Password

To change your Windows password, in the Paperspace Set Password app, under the New Password section, type your new password.

Your new password must satisfy the following requirements:

  • At least eight characters in length.
  • At least three of the following categories satisfied:
    • Uppercase letters (A-Z)
    • Lowercase letters (a-z)
    • Numbers (0-9)
    • Special characters (for example, “!” or “#”)

In the Confirm Password section, type your new password a second time. Your new password must match in both sections. Afterwards, click Ok.

To verify if your password updated, run the Paperspace-Password-Tool.exe file again to reveal the new password.

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