
SpinupWP is a modern cloud server control panel designed to manage WordPress sites and serve them lightning fast.

This isn’t your dad’s server control panel. SpinupWP connects to your server via SSH and runs commands for you. No installing it on your web server like the control panel dinosaurs that are still kicking around, cough cPanelcoughPlesk.

With our One-Click Droplet, in less than a minute you can be up and running with a DigitalOcean VPS fully optimized for WordPress and connected to your new SpinupWP account.

Other cloud server control panels allow you to reboot the server, add sites, and other things that you would already expect. SpinupWP offers the typical control panel features, but is also different in several key areas:

Going Above and Beyond for WordPress

SpinupWP is designed for WordPress first. You can certainly run other LAMP/LEMP apps like Laravel and Drupal (many of our customers do) but when you add a WordPress site to your server via SpinupWP, we configure a free SSL certificate, cron jobs, caching rules, WP-CLI, and everything needed to run a fast and secure WordPress site. With over a decade of experience in WordPress development as Delicious Brains, you can be sure our team knows WordPress.

Built-in education tailored for DigitalOcean

Developers using DigitalOcean love our comprehensive docs as well as the Helpful Hints and Related Documentation in the sidebar of just about every screen of the app. We’ll guide you through tutorials such as setting up DigitalOcean Spaces for storing site backups, and enabling floating IPs from the DigitalOcean dashboard.

Automated Coaching

Whether you’ve been managing your own servers for years or are just beginning, SpinupWP will give you peace of mind that you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing to keep your servers healthy and secure. SpinupWP identifies and presents you with a list of todos that you ought to perform on your VPS prioritized by how urgent they are. For example, if your server needs a reboot, that todo will start low on your list. However, over time, it will become more important that the VPS is rebooted and the todo will increase in priority, moving up the list.

Developer Friendly

SpinupWP is designed for developers by developers. In just a few clicks you can change the PHP version of a site, browse and search logs, and automatically deploy when you push code to your site’s git repository. We also have a command line app, so you can manage your server from the terminal, and a REST API and PHP SDK so you can build your own custom apps and integrations to automate what you like.

No Lock-In

Our customers love that SpinupWP doesn’t do a bunch of weird stuff to your server. Everything we do is typical in the industry, so you can SSH into your server and understand what’s been set up without having to look up documentation for every little thing. In fact, you can disconnect your VPS from SpinupWP any time and continue to manage it yourself. We don’t lock you in. You have complete control.

Creating Your SpinupWP Droplet

  1. Click the Create SpinupWP Droplet button on the right.
  2. You’ll need to log in to your DigitalOcean account if you’re not already. Or you’ll need to create a DigitalOcean account if you don’t already have one.
  3. Next, you should arrive on the Create Droplets screen. You should select a region that is closest to the majority of your audience.
  4. You can skip the Choose an image section as the SpinupWP image should already be selected.
  5. If you need help selecting a size, see our Server Size doc.
  6. Skip the Additional Storage section.
  7. Under Choose Authentication Method we recommend the SSH Key option as it’s the most secure, however, SpinupWP will disable the root user in a moment, so the Password option isn’t as insecure as it may otherwise be.
  8. We recommend you select the Add improved metrics monitoring and alerting (free) option as DigitalOcean’s built-in monitoring tools come in very handy.
  9. Expand Advanced Options and select Enable IPv6 (free) if you’d like to enable IPv6.
  10. The rest of the options can be ignored. Click Create Droplet.
  11. Jump to the Getting Started after deploying SpinupWP section of our listing for next steps.

Software Included

Package Version License
PHP 8.1
Redis 7.2.3
Nginx 1.24.0
Git 2.34.1
Composer 2.6.5
Supervisor 4.2.1
WP-CLI Latest
Certbot 1.21.0
UFW 0.36.1
Fail2Ban 0.11.2

Creating an App using the Control Panel

Click the Deploy to DigitalOcean button to create a Droplet based on this 1-Click App. If you aren’t logged in, this link will prompt you to log in with your DigitalOcean account.

Deploy to DO

Creating an App using the API

In addition to creating a Droplet from the SpinupWP 1-Click App using the control panel, you can also use the DigitalOcean API. As an example, to create a 4GB SpinupWP Droplet in the SFO2 region, you can use the following curl command. You need to either save your API access token) to an environment variable or substitute it in the command below.

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
         -H 'Authorization: Bearer '$TOKEN'' -d \
        '{"name":"choose_a_name","region":"sfo2","size":"s-2vcpu-4gb","image": "spinupwp"}' \

Getting Started After Deploying SpinupWP

  1. After your SpinupWP Droplet has been successfully deployed, you’ll want to SSH into the server using the root user and SSH key or password you provided when configuring the droplet: ssh root@your_droplet_public_ipv4
  2. Once you log in via SSH, a one time script runs that prompts for your name and email address. The script then collects metrics (droplet ID, IP, hostname, droplet information) and sends an API request back to SpinupWP before running some final provisioning steps and deleting itself. A new SpinupWP account on a 7-day free trial will be created for your email address (if there’s already an account for your email, it will use your existing account, see “Existing Accounts” notes below).
  3. Now check your email. An email was sent to the email address you provided.
  4. Clicking the link in the email will bring you to a page to set your password.
  5. Once you set your password, you’ll be taken to the dashboard for your new server in SpinupWP.

Congratulations! You’re all set to manage your newly provisioned server with SpinupWP. Ready to add your first site? Our Getting Started doc will show you how to add a new site to your server.

Existing Accounts

If you already have a SpinupWP account associated with your email address, you’ll be asked to log in to link your new droplet with your SpinupWP account. If you have multiple accounts, you will be able to select which one you’d like to add the droplet to.

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