
Image & Video Management in the Cloud

Publitio fixes your problems with hosting, uploading, converting and protecting your media files with its simple, scalable & secure cloud-based storage with powerful, global CDN infrastructure. Publitio can meet your every demand, and provide blazingly fast images & video delivery!

Simple. Secure. Superfast

Publitio simplifies the delivery of your media files while maintaining full functionality and security. With Publitio, your entire end-to-end image & video process is taken care of, while giving you maximum control and flexibility over your media assets.

CDN by default

Your files have never been closer to the user (data center locations). With 6 data centers across the globe, your files will be delivered from the nearest location to the user. Plus points go to the website performance since CDN can positively influence page speed. Publitio CDN infrastructure explained

Change file formats on the fly with URL-based transformations

Publitio offers a URL-based form of API through which you can do all file transformations by changing parameters in the file URL. You can use it for video conversion, to transcode your files between formats, for resizing, cropping, trimming, watermarking, and/or quality adjustment. See URL-transformations demo

Customizable Video Player with Monetization & advertising support

Play your videos with fully cutomisable Publitio Video Player. It’s super easy to monetize your videos with it, since the player supports VAST/IMA Ad Tags. See Publitio Player in action

HLS Video Streaming & Encryption

Add an extra layer of protection for your videos with one of the best methods for securing your videos for online delivery. Learn more about HLS video encryption

Simple integration via REST API

Download SDK or CMS of your choice and upload, process, manage & publish videos, images & audios with one line of code. Download SDK’s and Plugins for Publitio

Installing this Add-On using the Control Panel

Click the Deploy to DigitalOcean button to install this add-on. If you aren’t logged in, this link will prompt you to log in with your DigitalOcean account.

Deploy Publitio to DO

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