Aqtra Platform

Aqtra Platform is an advanced enterprise-level low-code application development platform meticulously designed to expedite the creation of software products with remarkable speed, reliability, and a guaranteed high level of quality and fault tolerance. This innovative platform preserves the integral principles of the DevOps methodology, ensuring a seamless transition from development to deployment.

The functionality of Aqtra Platform is rooted in its singular, robust environment where development unfolds. Approximately 80% of the process relies on component configuration, predominantly microservices, while the remaining 20% is dedicated to programming for non-traditional business logic. Tasks such as configuring publishing models, user profiles, and CSS are effortlessly executed within a unified studio, with a strong emphasis on business intelligence. This approach substantially reduces the need for extensive coding, making application development remarkably efficient.

Aqtra Platform operates on the flexible and modern infrastructure of MS Azure Cloud, ensuring a smooth and customer-friendly delivery process. Clients can acquire the platform through a subscription to a tailored tariff, receiving it as Software as a Service (SaaS) in the MS Azure cloud. Configuration of the application can be managed by the client, Aqtra, or specialized partners, granting a high degree of adaptability and customization.

With Aqtra Platform, clients witness rapid results. In a short span, they receive a fully functional cross-platform application or portal, equipped to handle an unlimited number of users. The platform’s versatility allows for the construction of applications encompassing various business logics across diverse industries. Its adaptable infrastructure and a wide array of tariff options make it suitable for both large enterprises and small to medium-sized businesses. One illustrative application of Aqtra Platform is in the development of warehouse management systems, demonstrating its applicability in optimizing complex business operations.

Creating an App using the Control Panel

Click the Deploy to DigitalOcean button to create a Droplet based on this 1-Click App. If you aren’t logged in, this link will prompt you to log in with your DigitalOcean account.

Deploy to DO

Creating an App using the API

In addition to creating a Droplet from the Aqtra Platform 1-Click App using the control panel, you can also use the DigitalOcean API. As an example, to create a 4GB Aqtra Platform Droplet in the SFO2 region, you can use the following curl command. You need to either save your API access token) to an environment variable or substitute it in the command below.

curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
         -H 'Authorization: Bearer '$TOKEN'' -d \
        '{"name":"choose_a_name","region":"sfo2","size":"s-2vcpu-4gb","image": "aqtraplatform"}' \

Getting Started After Deploying Aqtra Platform

Setting up Aqtra Platform for Digital Ocean Cloud

For installation of the Aqtra Platform for Digital Ocean you need to use an image of a virtual machine (snapshot) accessible from Digital Ocean Marketplace. During your first installation you will need to use the default “servadmin” account with automatically generated password. This password you can find at virtual machine terminal or inside the "/root/sp_pwd" file.

Setting up for Aqtra Platform VM

Once you’ve set up your Aqtra Platform instance, you’ll need to also setup Digital Ocean Firewall to make sure your instance of Aqtra Platform is working correctly. For this you need go to tab Networking in Digital Ocean cloud and choose tab “Firewalls”. Then you need to press “Create Firewall” button, and add the following inbound rules:

After a successful installation, there will be two main areas available to you inside Aqtra Platform – Studio and Workplace.

Aqtra Studio is a tool you will use to configure your low-code applications. It is available at “http://your_droplet_public_ipv4/studio”, where IP-address, that public IP of your virtual machine instance or it’s DNS domain name. For example: “” or “".

Aqtra Workplace is where you and your users will access the applications you’ve developed. It will be available at “http://your_droplet_public_ipv4”. For example: “” or “”.

If you want to change your application domain name, you need connect with ssh to the virtual machine (droplet), where the platform is installed. (For your convenience we recommend using a tool like “Putty” or similar.). Then you’ll need to run command “sudo aqtra-platform set_domain” using terminal access (change to your domain name before executing the command).

To start working with Aqtra Platform Studio, you need use account “servadmin” with auto-generated password accessed as described above. If you ever need to reset this password outside Aqtra Studio, you must first connect using ssh to the virtual machine where the platform is installed. Then you’ll need to run “sudo aqtra-platform reset_password” command using terminal client.

Setting up for Aqtra Platform VM

Once you’ve set up your Aqtra Platform instance, you’ll need to also setup Digital Ocean Firewall to make sure your instance of Aqtra Platform is working correctly. For this you need go to tab Networking in Digital Ocean cloud and choose tab “Firewalls”. Then you need to press “Create Firewall” button, and add the following inbound rules:

  • Type – “SSH”, Protocol – “TCP”, Port range – “22”, Sources – “All IPv4, All IPv6”
  • Type – “HTTP", Protocol – “TCP”, Port range – “80”, Sources – “All IPv4, All IPv6”
  • Type – “HTTPS", Protocol – “TCP”, Port range – “443”, Sources – “All IPv4, All IPv6”
  • Type – “Custom", Protocol – “TCP”, Port range – “5001”, Sources – “All IPv4, All IPv6”
  • Type – “Custom", Protocol – “TCP”, Port range – “8081”, Sources – “All IPv4, All IPv6”

After this select ready droplet, in section “Apply to Droplets”

Install BYOL license.

Step 1. Request for an activation key

Open http://IP-address/studio/, and fill out the pop-up form. An email will be sent to the email address specified in the form, inside of which there will be an activation key for the trial license.

Step 2. Enter licence key

Open http://IP-address/studio/, and press “Enter activation key”. In the pop-up window, enter the previously received key, then click Ok. After that, the application will restart and your license will become active.

Check license

  1. Login as “superadmin” to studio in Platform:

http://IP-address/studio/ 2. Check new limits for users and flows in main page.

Setting up commercial license

After installation of Aqtra Platform, by default you will automatically have a trial version valid for one month. To continue using Aqtra Platform beyond this time, you will need to buy and activate the license. You can buy the license using Aqtra Market ( To do this, you will need to do the following:

  • In your browser, open instance of Aqtra Studio, for which you want to buy a new license
  • Important: please make sure that no other tabs with Aqtra Studio is open
  • Log in to Aqtra Studio using an admin account, for example servadmin
  • You will be taken to the Home/Dashboard page
  • Press the button “Renew” or “Choose another plan” – this action will open Aqtra Market;
  • Log in Aqtra Market using your existing account, or create a new account
  • Go to section “My account”/“Purchased licenses”
  • Choose the desired license from the list of available and press “Activate”
  • If you do not have pre-purchased licenses, or do not have the specific license type you need, you can purchase it using Aqtra Market (, and then go to “My account”/“Purchased licenses” to perform activation as described above

After going through the steps above, for your license to become active, please close the Aqtra Market tab and return to the Aqtra Studio you’ve opened initially. Your license should now be activated.

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