OpenSearch is an open-source search and analytics suite which serves as a centralized location to manage logs forwarded from other resources, such as databases and Droplets.
Tags are custom labels you can apply to clusters and other DigitalOcean resources. You can filter tagged database clusters or create monitoring alert policies for multiple databases clusters with the same tag.
Choosing terms that describe a database cluster’s function can help you locate and administer clusters that share common roles. For example, you might tag a cluster by:
You can add tags to databases during or after creation.
, you can tag resources in the control panel by entering prod
. The tag still displays with its canonical capitalization, PROD
, the URL to add that tag to a resource would be
(not /v2/tags/prod/resources
).To add tags while creating a new database cluster, at the bottom of the database cluster create page, look for the Finalize and create section and click the Add Tags link to display the tag input form.
Under the Add optional tags to your database cluster header, enter the tags. Add multiple tags by pressing SPACEBAR
after each term. Navigate between tags with the arrow keys, and remove the highlighted tag with BACKSPACE
To add or modify tags for existing database clusters, use the cluster’s More menu and select Edit tags.
On a project’s dashboard, you can also hover over an untagged database cluster’s row of information to reveal the Add tags link.
No matter which way you navigate, the Manage Tags dialog opens.
Add tags by pressing SPACEBAR
after each term. Navigate between tags with the arrow keys, and remove the highlighted tag with BACKSPACE
When you’re done, click Save Tags.
If you click a tag from anywhere in the control panel, like on the dashboard of a project or on the list of database clusters, you go to the list of all resources with that tag.
Filter lists are limited to a single tag, displayed at the top of the list.