Paperspace Pricing Private Preview

Workflows automate machine learning tasks, combining GPU instances with an expressive syntax to generate production-ready machine learning pipelines with a few lines of code.

All Paperspace resources are billed on a per-hour basis. Non-GPU resources like storage and public IP addresses have a monthly maximum charge. If a Non-GPU resource reaches a monthly maximum charge, the resource doesn’t incur any further charges for the rest of the billing cycle.

Paperspace Machines

Below are the hourly prices for Paperspace CPU, GPU, and multi-GPU Linux or Windows-based machine types. Machine types differ in pricing depending on its hardware and performance specs. We do not charge for ingress or egress bandwidth for machines.

Additional CPU, GPU, and multi-GPU machine types are available with a Gradient Subscription Plan, which is applied to Gradient resources, such as Notebooks, Deployments, and Workflows. Free machines are only available on private workspaces.

For information about CPU machine types, see CPU machine type specs.

Name Price (hourly) Gradient Subscription Plan
C1 $0.0045/hr
C3 $0.018/hr
C4 $0.04/hr Free, Pro, Growth
C5 $0.08/hr Free, Pro, Growth
C6 $0.16/hr
C7 $0.30/hr Free, Pro, Growth
C8 $0.60/hr
C9 $0.90/hr
C10 $1.60/hr

For information about GPU machine types, see GPU machine type specs.

Name Price (hourly) Gradient Subscription Plan
GPU+ (M4000) $0.45/hr Free, Pro, Growth
P4000 $0.51/hr Free, Pro, Growth
P5000 $0.78/hr Pro, Growth
P6000 $1.10/hr Pro, Growth
RTX4000 $0.56/hr Free, Pro, Growth
RTX5000 $0.82/hr Pro, Growth
A4000 $0.76/hr Pro, Growth
A5000 $1.38/hr Growth
A6000 $1.89/hr Growth
V100 $2.30/hr Growth
V100-32G $2.30/hr Growth
A100 $3.09/hr Growth
A100-80G $3.18/hr Growth
H100 $5.95/hr

Multi-GPU machine type prices are calculated by multiplying the base machine type price by the number of GPUs used. For example, if you’re using NVIDIA H100x8, which has 8 NVIDIA H100 GPUs, the hourly price is the NVIDIA H100 base price multiplied by 8.

For information about multi-GPU machine types, see the multi-GPU machine type specs.

Machine Price (hourly) Gradient Subscription Plan
GPU+x $0.90/hr
GPU+x $1.80/hr
P4000 $1.02/hr
P4000 $2.04/hr
P5000 $1.56/hr
P5000 $3.12/hr
P6000 $2.20/hr
P6000 $4.40/hr
RTX4000 $1.12/hr
RTX4000 $2.24/hr
RTX5000 $1.64/hr
RTX5000 $3.28/hr
V100-32G $4.60/hr Growth
V100-32G $9.20/hr Growth
A4000 $1.52/hr Pro, Growth
A4000 $3.04/hr
A5000 $2.76/hr Growth
A5000 $5.52/hr
A6000 $3.78/hr Growth
A6000 $7.56/hr Growth
A100 $24.72/hr
A100-80G $25.44/hr
H100 $47.60/hr

These machines are a limited set of CPU and GPU machine types that are available for free. The number of free machines you can use depends on your Gradient Subscription Plan. Free machines only apply to notebooks.

Name Gradient Subscription Plan
Free CPU (C4) Free, Pro, Growth
Free GPU (M4000) Free, Pro, Growth
Free P4000 Pro, Growth
Free P5000 Pro, Growth
Free RTX4000 Pro, Growth
Free RTX5000 Pro, Growth
Free A4000 Pro, Growth
Free A5000 Growth
Free A6000 Growth
Free A100-80G Growth

Paperspace storage, images, networking resources, and Gradient Subscription Plans are priced both hourly and with a maximum monthly price. Once you reach the maximum monthly price for any resource or plan during your billing cycle, no further charges are applied for that item.

The prices below are rounded to the fourth decimal place.

Paperspace Storage

Below are the hourly and maximum monthly prices for block storage.

Size Price (hourly) Max Price (monthly)
50 GB $0.0074/hr $5.00/mo
100 GB $0.0104/hr $7.00/mo
250 GB $0.0149/hr $10.00/mo
500 GB $0.0372/hr $25.00/mo
1 TB $0.0818/hr $55.00/mo
2 TB $0.1786/hr $120.00/mo

Below are the hourly and maximum monthly prices shared drives.

Size Price (hourly) Max Price (monthly)
250 GB $0.0238/hr $16.00/mo
500 GB $0.0491/hr $33.00/mo
1 TB $0.0967/hr $65.00/mo
2 TB $0.1935/hr $130.00/mo
4 TB $0.3869/hr $260.00/mo
8 TB $0.7738/hr $520.00/mo
12 TB $1.1607/hr $780.00/mo
16 TB $1.5476/hr $1040.00/mo
80 TB $7.7381/hr $5200.00/mo

Paperspace Images

Below are the hourly and maximum monthly prices for snapshots.

Size Price (hourly) Max Price (monthly)
50 GB $0.0015/hr $1.00/mo
100 GB $0.0018/hr $1.20/mo
250 GB $0.0021/hr $1.40/mo
500 GB $0.0030/hr $2.00/mo
1 TB $0.0060/hr $4.00/mo
2 TB $0.0119/hr $8.00/mo

Below are the hourly and maximum monthly prices for custom templates.

Size Price (hourly) Max Price (monthly)
50 GB $0.0052/hr $3.50/mo
100 GB $0.0089/hr $6.00/mo
250 GB $0.0164/hr $11.00/mo
500 GB $0.0253/hr $17.00/mo
1 TB $0.0358/hr $24.00/mo
2 TB $0.0625/hr $42.00/mo

Paperspace Networking

Below are the hourly and maximum monthly prices for networking features available for Paperspace machines, including private networks, public IP addresses, and VPNs.

Name Price (hourly) Max Price (monthly)
Private Network $0.0015/hr $1.00/mo
Public IP Address $0.0045/hr $3.00/mo
VPN $0.0015/hr $1.00/mo

Paperspace Gradient Subscription Plan

Below are the hourly and maximum monthly prices for different Gradient Subscription Plans. The cost of a Gradient Subscription Plan varies depending on the plan and whether it’s intended for a single user or a team.

Subscription Price (hourly) Max Price (monthly)
Pro $0.0119/hr $8.00/mo
Growth $0.0580/hr $39.00/mo
Subscription Price (hourly) Max Price (monthly)
Pro $0.0179/hr $12.00/mo
Growth $0.0580/hr $39.00/mo

Each Gradient Subscription Plan comes with an amount of free storage available to you or your team. Additional storage is charged at a maximum rate of $0.29 per GB per month.

Subscription Storage
Free 5 GB
Pro 15 GB
Growth 50 GB

Learn More

Pricing information for machine usage and Gradient subscription plans.
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