
A new Paperspace API is now available. As of 15 July 2024, Gradient and Core API endpoints are retired and no longer available for Paperspace users.



paperspace templates list \
  --apiKey "edc20a51d9b2145..."
curl -X GET 'https://api.paperspace.io/templates/getTemplates' \
-H 'X-Api-Key: edc20a51d9b2145...'
paperspace.templates.list(function (err, res) {
  // handle error or result


Name Type Attributes Description
id string optional template id to match on
name string optional name to match on
label string optional label to match on
os string optional OS to match on
dtCreated string optional datetime created value to match on
teamId string optional teamId to match on
userId string optional userId to match on
region string optional region to match on


    "id": "ta1b3le7",
    "name": "paperspace/ta1b3le7",
    "label": "Windows 10 Pro",
    "os": "Windows 10 (Pro) - Unlicensed",
    "dtCreated": "2019-05-31T15:46:57.423Z"
    "id": "tpx5mr6b",
    "name": "paperspace/tpx5mr6b",
    "label": "RStudio",
    "os": "Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop",
    "dtCreated": "2018-04-06T02:55:42.105Z"
    "id": "t9taj00e",
    "name": "paperspace/t9taj00e",
    "label": null,
    "os": "Centos 7 Server",
    "dtCreated": "2022-01-23T20:47:06.707Z"
    "id": "tz0ireoj",
    "name": "paperspace/tz0ireoj",
    "label": "Ubuntu 20.04 Desktop",
    "os": "Ubuntu 20.04 Desktop",
    "dtCreated": "2021-10-21T05:52:13.579Z"
    "id": "tv00h6iv",
    "name": "paperspace/tv00h6iv",
    "label": "Windows 2012 R2 Grid",
    "os": "Windows 2012 R2 - Licensed",
    "dtCreated": "2020-07-30T17:34:04.385Z"
    "id": "tnr2oh1m",
    "name": "paperspace/tnr2oh1m",
    "label": "Windows 10",
    "os": "Windows 10 (Server 2022) - Licensed",
    "dtCreated": "2021-04-08T16:39:03.908Z"
    "id": "tzd1e8km",
    "name": "paperspace/tzd1e8km",
    "label": "Fast.ai",
    "os": "Ubuntu 16.04 Server",
    "dtCreated": "2020-03-16T03:55:18.513Z"
    "id": "tmun4o2g",
    "name": "paperspace/tmun4o2g",
    "label": "Ubuntu 18.04 GPU Worker Cuda 11",
    "os": "Ubuntu 18.04 Server",
    "dtCreated": "2020-06-21T20:35:00.467Z"
    "id": "tkni3aa4",
    "name": "paperspace/tkni3aa4",
    "label": "Ubuntu 20.04 Server",
    "os": "Ubuntu 20.04 Server",
    "dtCreated": "2021-10-20T00:50:49.780Z"
    "id": "t04azgph",
    "name": "paperspace/t04azgph",
    "label": "Ubuntu 18.04 Server",
    "os": "Ubuntu 18.04 Server",
    "dtCreated": "2018-06-15T06:00:34.531Z"
    "id": "tpi7gqht",
    "name": "paperspace/tpi7gqht",
    "label": "Ubuntu 18.04 CPU Worker",
    "os": "Ubuntu 18.04 Server",
    "dtCreated": "2020-07-08T18:18:08.248Z"
    "id": "twnlo3zj",
    "name": "paperspace/twnlo3zj",
    "label": "Ml in a Box 20.04",
    "os": "Ubuntu 20.04 MLiaB",
    "dtCreated": "2021-10-14T23:50:00.225Z"
    "id": "tl1h5hec",
    "name": "paperspace/tl1h5hec",
    "label": "Windows 10 Pro",
    "os": "Windows 10 (Pro) - Unlicensed",
    "dtCreated": "2019-05-16T17:41:22.919Z"
    "id": "tk9izniv",
    "name": "paperspace/tk9izniv",
    "label": "Windows 10",
    "os": "Windows 10 (Server 2022) - Licensed",
    "dtCreated": "2019-02-08T17:59:04.036Z"
    "id": "taoz1uxr",
    "name": "paperspace/taoz1uxr",
    "label": "Windows 10",
    "os": "Windows 10 (Server 2022) - Licensed",
    "dtCreated": "2019-02-08T18:00:34.729Z"
In this article...