
A new Paperspace API is now available. As of 15 July 2024, Gradient and Core API endpoints are retired and no longer available for Paperspace users.

Core machines are Linux and Windows-based virtual machines (VMs) that run on top of virtualized hardware. Each machine you create is a new server or desktop instance you can use, either standalone or as part of a larger, cloud-based infrastructure.

As of 1 July 2024, Windows-based templates are retired and unavailable to new Paperspace users. If you joined Paperspace prior to this date, you can still start, manage, and create Windows-based template machines.


This command creates a new Paperspace virtual machine.

If you are using an individual account, you are assigned as the owner of the machine.

If you are a team administrator, you must specify the user that should be assigned to the machine, either by specifying a user id, or by providing an email address, password, first name and last name for the creation of a new user on the team.

Only account administrators may create machines. Team members cannot create machines themselves.


paperspace machines create \
  --apiKey "edc20a51d9b2145..." \
  --region "East Coast (NY2)" \
  --machineType "P4000" \
  --size 50 \
  --billingType "hourly" \
  --machineName "My Machine 1" \
  --templateId "tbu200wi" \
  --teamId "tewr3st2z"
curl -X POST '' \
-H 'X-Api-Key: edc20a51d9b2145...' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "region": "East Coast (NY2)",
  "machineType": "P4000",
  "size": 50,
  "billingType": "hourly",
  "machineName": "My Machine 1",
  "templateId": "tbu200wi",
  "teamId": "tewr3st2z"
    region: "East Coast (NY2)",
    machineType: "P4000",
    size: 50,
    billingType: "hourly",
    machineName: "My Machine 1",
    templateId: "tbu200wi",
    teamId: "tewr3st2z",
  function (err, res) {
    // handle error or result


Name Type Attributes Description
region string Name of the region. Valid entries: West Coast (CA1), East Coast (NY2), or Europe (AMS1).
machineType string Machine type. Value entries are Air, Standard, Pro, Advanced, GPU+, P4000, P5000, P6000, V100, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, or C10. You cannot use Windows templates to create CPU-only machine types ‘C1’ - ‘C10’.
size number Storage size for the machine in GB.
billingType string hourly billing.
machineName string A memorable name for this machine.
templateId string Template ID of the template to use for creating this machine.
teamId string optional Required if creating this machine for a team
assignPublicIp boolean optional Assign a new public ip address on machine creation. Cannot be used with dynamicPublicIp.
dynamicPublicIp boolean optional Assigns a new public IP address on machine start and releases it from the account on machine stop. Cannot be used with assignPublicIp.
startOnCreate boolean optional Start the VM immediately after creation. Defaults to true.
networkId string optional If creating on a specific network specify its ID
scriptId string optional The script ID of a script to be run on startup. See the Script Guide for more info on using scripts.
userId string optional If assigning to an existing user other than yourself specify the user ID (mutually exclusive with email , password, firstName,lastName).
email string optional If creating a new user for this machine specify their email address (mutually exclusive with userId).
password string optional If creating a new user specify their password (mutually exclusive with userId).
firstName string optional If creating a new user specify their first name (mutually exclusive with userId).
lastName string optional If creating a new user specify their last name (mutually exclusive with userId).
notificationEmail string optional Send a notification to this email address when complete.
takeInitialSnapshot boolean optional Take a snapshot of the VM at first boot.
markSnapshotAsRestorePoint boolean optional Use initial snapshot as a restore point for the VM. If this is true takeInitialSnapshot must be true and restorePointFrequency must be specified.
restorePointFrequency string optional How often the VM’s restore point should be used. Valid options: shutdown.
enableNvlink boolean optional Enable NVLink on compatible machine types.


The created machine JSON object

  "id": "psazmnxdy",
  "name": "My Machine 1",
  "os": null,
  "ram": null,
  "cpus": 1,
  "gpu": null,
  "storageTotal": null,
  "storageUsed": null,
  "machineType": "P4000",
  "usageRate": "P4000 hourly",
  "shutdownTimeoutInHours": 168,
  "shutdownTimeoutForces": false,
  "performAutoSnapshot": false,
  "autoSnapshotFrequency": null,
  "autoSnapshotSaveCount": null,
  "dynamicPublicIp": false,
  "agentType": "LinuxHeadless",
  "dtCreated": "2022-03-14T15:09:51.974Z",
  "state": "provisioning",
  "updatesPending": false,
  "networkId": null,
  "privateIpAddress": null,
  "publicIpAddress": null,
  "region": null,
  "scriptId": null,
  "dtLastRun": null,
  "restorePointSnapshotId": null,
  "restorePointFrequency": null


Start an individual machine. If the machine is already started, this action is a no-op. If the machine is off, it is booted up. This action can only be performed by the user who owns the machine.


paperspace machines start \
  --apiKey "edc20a51d9b2145..." \
  --machineId "psfj3c701"
curl -X POST '' \
-H 'X-Api-Key: edc20a51d9b2145...'
    machineId: "psfj3c701",
  function (err, res) {
    // handle error or result


Name Type Description
machineId string Id of the machine to start


Stop an individual machine. If the machine is already stopped or has been shut down, this action is a no-op. If the machine is running, it is stopped and any users logged in are immediately kicked out. This action can only be performed by the user who owns the machine.


paperspace machines stop \
  --apiKey "edc20a51d9b2145..." \
  --machineId "psfj3c701"
curl -X POST '' \
-H 'X-Api-Key: edc20a51d9b2145...'
    machineId: "psfj3c701",
  function (err, res) {
    // handle error or result


Name Type Description
machineId string Id of the machine to shut down


Restart an individual machine. If the machine is already restarting, this action requests the machine be restarted again. This action can only be performed by the user who owns the machine.


paperspace machines restart \
  --apiKey "edc20a51d9b2145..." \
  --machineId "psfj3c701"
curl -X POST '' \
-H 'X-Api-Key: edc20a51d9b2145...'
    machineId: "psfj3c701",
  function (err, res) {
    // handle error or result


Name Type Description
machineId string Id of the machine to restart


Destroy the machine with the given id. When this action is performed, the machine is immediately shut down and marked for deletion from the datacenter. Any snapshots that were derived from the machine are also deleted. Access to the machine is terminated immediately and billing for the machine is prorated to the hour. This action can only be performed by the user who owns the machine, or in the case of a team, the team administrator.


paperspace machines destroy \
  --apiKey "edc20a51d9b2145..." \
  --machineId "psfj3c701"
curl -X POST '' \
-H 'X-Api-Key: edc20a51d9b2145...'
    machineId: "psfj3c701",
  function (err, res) {
    // handle error or result


Name Type Attributes Description
machineId string The id of the machine to destroy
releasePublicIp boolean optional releases any assigned public ip address for the machine; defaults to false


Update attributes of a machine.


paperspace machines update \
  --apiKey "edc20a51d9b2145..." \
  --machineId "psec02yp2" \
  --machineName "New Machine Name"
curl -X POST '' \
-H 'X-Api-Key: edc20a51d9b2145...' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"machineName": "New Machine Name"}'
    machineId: "psec02yp2",
    machineName: "New Machine Name",
  function (err, res) {
    // handle error or result


Name Type Attributes Description
machineId string Id of the machine to update
machineName string optional New name for the machine
shutdownTimeoutInHours number optional Number of hours before machine is shutdown if no one is logged in via the Paperspace client
shutdownTimeoutForces boolean optional Force shutdown at shutdown timeout, even if there is a Paperspace client connection
autoSnapshotFrequency number optional One of ‘hour’, ‘day’, ‘week’, or null
autoSnapshotSaveCount number optional Number of snapshots to save
performAutoSnapshot boolean optional Perform auto snapshots
dynamicPublicIp boolean optional If true, assigns a new public ip address on machine start and releases it from the account on machine stop
assignPublicIp boolean optional If true, assigns a new static public ip address for the machine


List information about all machines available to either the current authenticated user or the team, if the user belongs to a team. The list method takes an optional first argument to limit the returned machine objects.

This API supports pagination using limit and skip. The default limit is 1000 items. To retrieve more than 1000 items, set your skip parameter to a multiple of 1000. For example, to retrieve the 3rd page of 1000 items, you would pass { limit: 1000, skip: 2000 }.


paperspace machines list \
  --apiKey "edc20a51d9b2145..."
curl -X GET '' \
-H 'X-Api-Key: edc20a51d9b2145...'
paperspace.machines.list(function (err, res) {
  // handle error or result


Name Type Attributes Description
limit number optional Number of items to return. Defaults to 1000.
skip number optional Number of items in the list to skip.
machineId string optional Machine id to match on. Note: must be specified as machineId, not id.
name string optional Name to match on
os string optional OS to match on
ram string optional RAM value to match on
cpus number optional CPU count to match on
gpu string optional GPU to match on
storageTotal string optional storageTotal value to match on
storageUsed string optional storageUsed value to match on
usageRate string optional usageRate value to match on
shutdownTimeoutInHours number optional shutdownTimeoutInHours value to match on
performAutoSnapshot boolean optional performAutoSnapshot value to match on, either true or false
autoSnapshotFrequency string optional autoSnapshotFrequency value to match on
autoSnapshotSaveCount number optional autoSnapshotSaveCount value to match on
agentType string optional agentType value to match on
dtCreated string optional datetime created value to match on
state string optional state value to match on
updatesPending boolean optional updatesPending value to match on
networkId string optional networkId to match on
privateIpAddress string optional privateIpAddress to match on
publicIpAddress string optional publicIpAddress to match on
region string optional region to match on
userId string optional userId to match on
teamId string optional teamId to match on
scriptId string optional scriptId to match on
dtLastRun string optional script date/time last run value to match on


    "id": "psec02yp2",
    "name": "New Machine Name1",
    "os": "",
    "ram": "32212254720",
    "cpus": 8,
    "gpu": "Quadro P4000",
    "storageTotal": "53687091200",
    "storageUsed": "110080",
    "machineType": "P4000",
    "usageRate": "P4000 hourly",
    "shutdownTimeoutInHours": 24,
    "shutdownTimeoutForces": false,
    "performAutoSnapshot": false,
    "autoSnapshotFrequency": "day",
    "autoSnapshotSaveCount": 1,
    "dynamicPublicIp": false,
    "agentType": "LinuxDesktop",
    "dtCreated": "2022-03-14T15:47:53.852Z",
    "state": "ready",
    "updatesPending": false,
    "networkId": "nng82wb",
    "privateIpAddress": "",
    "publicIpAddress": "",
    "region": "East Coast (NY2)",
    "scriptId": null,
    "dtLastRun": null,
    "restorePointSnapshotId": null,
    "restorePointFrequency": null,
    "internalId": 1713423


Show machine information for the machine with the given id.

The state property can take on the follow values:

  • off
  • starting - machine is in the process of changing to the ready or serviceready state
  • stopping - machine is in the process of changing to the off state
  • restarting - combines stopping follow immediately by starting
  • serviceready - services are running on the machine but the Paperspace agent is not yet available
  • ready - services are running on machine and the Paperspace agent is ready to stream or accept logins
  • upgrading - the machine specification are being upgraded, which involves a shutdown and startup sequence
  • provisioning - the machine is in the process of being created for the first time

The updatesPending property is either true or false and reflects whether the operating system has scheduled updates for the next machine state transition, e.g, stopping, starting, restarting, or upgrading.

Note: in some cases**,** the operating system can force installation of critical updates immediately upon a state transition, or automatically restart a machine to install updates. In such cases, the updatesPending property may not always be set accurately by the underlying OS.


paperspace machines show \
  --apiKey "edc20a51d9b2145..." \
  --machineId "psec02yp2"
curl -X GET '' \
-H 'X-Api-Key: edc20a51d9b2145...'
    machineId: "psec02yp2",
  function (err, res) {
    // handle error or result


Name Type Attributes Description
machineId string ID of the machine to show


machine - The machine JSON object

Type object

  "id": "psec02yp2",
  "name": "New Machine Name1",
  "os": "",
  "ram": "32212254720",
  "cpus": 8,
  "gpu": "Quadro P4000",
  "storageTotal": "53687091200",
  "storageUsed": "110080",
  "machineType": "P4000",
  "usageRate": "P4000 hourly",
  "shutdownTimeoutInHours": 24,
  "shutdownTimeoutForces": false,
  "performAutoSnapshot": false,
  "autoSnapshotFrequency": "day",
  "autoSnapshotSaveCount": 1,
  "dynamicPublicIp": false,
  "agentType": "LinuxDesktop",
  "dtCreated": "2022-03-14T15:47:53.852Z",
  "state": "ready",
  "updatesPending": false,
  "networkId": "nng82wb",
  "privateIpAddress": "",
  "publicIpAddress": "",
  "region": "East Coast (NY2)",
  "scriptId": null,
  "dtLastRun": null,
  "restorePointSnapshotId": null,
  "restorePointFrequency": null,
  "events": [
      "name": "start",
      "state": "done",
      "errorMsg": "",
      "handle": "fabd398a-9c8e-4565-95fa-5f07928564d8",
      "dtModified": "2022-03-14T15:49:00.734Z",
      "dtFinished": "2022-03-14T15:49:00.734Z",
      "dtCreated": "2022-03-14T15:48:30.994Z"
      "name": "create",
      "state": "done",
      "errorMsg": "",
      "handle": "396ea947-9c10-4b63-a15b-574a9a9844bc",
      "dtModified": "2022-03-14T15:48:31.026Z",
      "dtFinished": "2022-03-14T15:48:31.026Z",
      "dtCreated": "2022-03-14T15:47:53.852Z"



paperspace machines setAccessForUser \
  --apiKey "edc20a51d9b2145..." \
  --machineId "psec02yp2" \
  --userId "ubx9ce8k" \
  --enableAccess true
curl -X POST '' \
  -H 'X-Api-Key: edc20a51d9b2145...' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
    "userId": "ubx9ce8k",
    "enableAccess": "true"
    machineId: "psec02yp2",
    userId: "ubx9ce8k",
    enableAccess: true,
  function (err, res) {
    // handle error or result


Name Type Attribute Description
machineId string required Id of the machine to enable access
userId string required Id of the user to enable machine access for
enableAccess boolean required When true, the person is added as an accessor to the machine; when false the person is removed


Get machine utilization data for the machine with the given id. Machine upgrades are not represented in utilization data.


paperspace machines utilization \
  --apiKey "edc20a51d9b2145..." \
  --machineId "psec02yp2" \
  --billingMonth "2022-03"
curl -X GET '' \
-H 'X-Api-Key: edc20a51d9b2145...'
    machineId: "psec02yp2",
    billingMonth: "2022-03",
  function (err, res) {
    // handle error or result


Name Type Attribute Description
machineId string required Id of the machine to get utilization data for
billingMonth string required Billing period to query in YYYY-MM format


utilization - The utilization JSON object

Type object

  "machineId": "psec02yp2",
  "utilization": {
    "machineId": "psec02yp2",
    "secondsUsed": 8728.27191281319,
    "hourlyRate": "0.51",
    "billingMonth": "2022-03"
  "storageUtilization": {
    "machineId": "psec02yp2",
    "secondsUsed": 8785.19808006287,
    "monthlyRate": "5.00",
    "billingMonth": "2022-03"


Wait for the machine with the given id to enter a certain machine state. This action polls the server and returns only when we detect that the machine has transitioned into the given state. States available to check for are:

  • off
  • serviceready - services are running on the machine but the Paperspace agent is not yet available
  • ready - services are running on machine and the Paperspace agent is ready to stream or accept logins

When the callback is called, the returned object is information about the machine.


paperspace machines waitfor \
  --apiKey "edc20a51d9b2145..." \
  --machineId "psec02yp2" \
  --state "ready"
This method is not available via curl.
    machineId: "psec02yp2",
    state: "ready",
  function (err, res) {
    // handle error or result


Name Type Attributes Description
machineId string required Id of the machine to wait for
state string required Name of the state to wait for, either off, serviceready, ready


machine - The machine JSON object

Type object

  "id": "psec02yp2",
  "name": "New Machine Name1",
  "os": "",
  "ram": "32212254720",
  "cpus": 8,
  "gpu": "Quadro P4000",
  "storageTotal": "53687091200",
  "storageUsed": "110080",
  "machineType": "P4000",
  "usageRate": "P4000 hourly",
  "shutdownTimeoutInHours": 24,
  "shutdownTimeoutForces": false,
  "performAutoSnapshot": false,
  "autoSnapshotFrequency": "day",
  "autoSnapshotSaveCount": 1,
  "dynamicPublicIp": false,
  "agentType": "LinuxDesktop",
  "dtCreated": "2022-03-14T15:47:53.852Z",
  "state": "ready",
  "updatesPending": false,
  "networkId": "nng82wb",
  "privateIpAddress": "",
  "publicIpAddress": "",
  "region": "East Coast (NY2)",
  "scriptId": null,
  "dtLastRun": null,
  "restorePointSnapshotId": null,
  "restorePointFrequency": null,
  "events": [
      "name": "start",
      "state": "done",
      "errorMsg": "",
      "handle": "fabd398a-9c8e-4565-95fa-5f07928564d8",
      "dtModified": "2022-03-14T15:49:00.734Z",
      "dtFinished": "2022-03-14T15:49:00.734Z",
      "dtCreated": "2022-03-14T15:48:30.994Z"
      "name": "create",
      "state": "done",
      "errorMsg": "",
      "handle": "396ea947-9c10-4b63-a15b-574a9a9844bc",
      "dtModified": "2022-03-14T15:48:31.026Z",
      "dtFinished": "2022-03-14T15:48:31.026Z",
      "dtCreated": "2022-03-14T15:47:53.852Z"


Get machine availability for the given region and machine type. Note: availability is only provided for the dedicated GPU machine types. Also, not all machine types are available in all regions.


paperspace machines availability \
  --apiKey "edc20a51d9b2145..." \
  --region "East Coast (NY2)" \
  --machineType "P4000"
curl -X GET '' \
-H 'X-Api-Key: edc20a51d9b2145...'
    region: "East Coast (NY2)",
    machineType: "P4000",
  function (err, res) {
    // handle error or result


Name Type Attributes Description
region string required Name of the region: either ‘East Coast (NY2)’, ‘West Coast (CA1)’, or ‘Europe (AMS1)’
machineType string required Machine type: either ‘GPU+’, ‘P4000’, ‘P5000’, ‘P6000’, or ‘V100’


availability - The availability JSON object, containing a single boolean attribute, “available”. A value of true for “available” means machines of that type can currently be requested in that region. A value of false means that requests for that machine type are not currently available in that region.

Type object

  "available": true
In this article...