DigitalOcean Products

DigitalOcean Terminology

  • Use “control panel” or “DigitalOcean Control Panel” to refer to

  • Capitalize the following terms:

    • Anything preceded by “DigitalOcean”, like DigitalOcean Control Panel, DigitalOcean Load Balancer, and DigitalOcean Droplet Console, except for “DigitalOcean support plan(s)”
    • 1-Click Application
    • App Platform
    • Cloudways
    • Cloudways Academy
    • Droplet
    • Spaces
    • GenAI Platform
    • Model Playground
    • Agent Playground
  • Lowercase regular nouns, like load balancer, data sources, volumes, and control panel.

  • Use “Spaces bucket” the first time it is mentioned on a page, and just “bucket” on subsequent mentions.

  • In alignment with our acronym style, spell out “DigitalOcean Kubernetes” and “DigitalOcean Container Registry” the first time they are mentioned on a page, and just “DOKS” and “DOCR” respectively on subsequent mentions.

DigitalOcean or DO?

Internally, we refer to our company as “DO” all the time. “DO” is a casual reference—like a nickname rather than a full name—so it isn’t always appropriate to refer to DigitalOcean as “DO” in external-facing content.

Generally, we should try to avoid using “DO” in titles as the audience we’re trying to reach (depending on the channel) often won’t, at a glance, associate “DO” with “DigitalOcean.”

Never OK to use “DO” OK to use “DO” rarely OK to use “DO” frequently
Press releases Blogs Internal communications
User support communications WWW non-home pages Social media messages and platform copy
WWW home page Newsletters Initiatives or teams branded as “DO”, like “DO Impact”
Most page titles and descriptions Email nurtures or campaigns YouTube
Main headings Subject lines if “DigitalOcean” appears in From Twitter
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