Mermaid Diagrams

Mermaid is a diagramming tool that renders diagrams from Markdown code blocks. It provides an automated way to create high-resolution SVG diagrams with minimal work required.

However, Mermaid does not support customizing the layout of its diagrams, which makes it difficult to improve the readability of large and complex diagrams. For this reason, please only use Mermaid for diagrams small enough to be readable. Alternatively, consider using to manually create a more readable or stylized diagram.

For more detailed documentation on all of Mermaid’s options, see their official documentation.


First, create a Mermaid code block:


Then, determine the orientation of the flowchart (LR, meaning “left to right,” is standard):

flowchart LR

Then, determine subgraphs. Subgraphs are large nodes that contain all nodes listed within it. You can nest as many as you want. For each subgraph you create, add an end to close it out:

flowchart LR
    subgraph Datacenter Region
        subgraph VPC

Add nodes in the format InternalName({{% mermaid-icon "icon-filename" %}} Display Name), using the mermaid-icon shortcode to add icons from /images/icons/diagram/:

flowchart LR
    subgraph Datacenter Region
        subgraph VPC
            ServerA({{% mermaid-icon "SSDs" %}}  Web Server)
            ServerB({{% mermaid-icon "SSDs" %}}  Web Server)
            ServerC({{% mermaid-icon "SSDs" %}}  Web Server)
    Internet({{% mermaid-icon "global-data-centers" %}}  Internet)

Connect those nodes to each other using arrows (-->):

flowchart LR
    subgraph Datacenter Region
        subgraph VPC
            ServerA({{% mermaid-icon "SSDs" %}}  Web Server)
            ServerB({{% mermaid-icon "SSDs" %}}  Web Server)
            ServerC({{% mermaid-icon "SSDs" %}}  Web Server)
    ServerA --> Internet({{% mermaid-icon "global-data-centers" %}}  Internet)
    ServerB --> Internet
    ServerC --> Internet

The previous code block renders to the following:

flowchart LR subgraph Datacenter Region subgraph VPC ServerA(SSDs icon Web Server) ServerB(SSDs icon Web Server) ServerC(SSDs icon Web Server) end end ServerA --> Internet(global-data-centers icon Internet) ServerB --> Internet ServerC --> Internet
In this article...