Teams Features

Use Teams to securely collaborate on projects with unlimited users, two-factor authentication, and all of your projects on a single bill.

Teams are useful for project leaders and business owners who want to share control of server infrastructure with developers, financial administrators, and other collaborators.

You can create multiple teams and there is no limit to the number of members a team can have. Each team is billed separately and has its own payment information.


Team members can have one of three roles: owner, biller, or member. Roles determine a user’s level of access to a team’s shared resources, billing information, and settings.

Role Shared Resources Billing Information Team Settings
Owner Full access Full access Full access
Biller No access Full access No access
Member Full access No access No access

Most team resources are shared, including:

However, personal access tokens for the API are unique to the members who generated them.

Secure Sign-In

Team owners can see the sign-in method for each team member. For additional security, owners can require secure sign-in via Google or GitHub OAuth or DigitalOcean two-factor authentication.

Increase team security by requiring all team members to sign in with Google OAuth, GitHub OAuth, or a DigitalOcean account with two-factor authentication.

Team Contact Email

The team contact email is where we send operational alerts and maintenance notices. All team members can view the team contact email, but only the team owner can change it (on the team settings page, under Edit Information).

By default, the team contact email is set to the email address of the person who created the team. If you’re working with others, one option is to set the team contact email address to a group mailing list or another address that a broader set of people will receive. If you’re working by yourself, you can keep it set to your own email address.

Emails that are sent exclusively to the team contact email include:

  • Resource alerts, like deployment failures and failovers
  • Alert policy notifications
  • Emergency migration or reboot notices
  • SSL certificate renewal notices

Additionally, some team emails are sent only to specific members:

  • Billing emails are sent to team owners and billers.
  • Droplet password emails are sent to the member that created the related Droplet.
  • Support ticket emails are sent to members who participated in the support ticket.