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How to Create Custom Templates for Machines

Machines are high-performing computing for scaling AI applications.


As of 1 July 2024, Windows templates are retired and as a result unavailable to new Paperspace users. Users who joined Paperspace prior to this date can still start, manage, and create Window template machines.

Perform the following steps to create a custom template of a Paperspace machine:

  1. Power your machine down
  2. In the Console, navigate to your machine’s settings by clicking the gear in the machine’s tile
  3. Click the Templates button
  4. Then click the “Create Template +” button
  5. Name your Template
  6. Click Create Template

Create a Machine From Your Template

Now that you have a Template, you can use it to create more machines.

  1. Click the Templates tab in your Paperspace Console.

  2. Click the CREATE MACHINE button from your Template. The create page looks like a regular machine creation, but your Custom Template is selected.

  3. Continue with creating your machine by selecting storage size, naming it, and adding any features you need.

Delete a Template

  1. Click the Templates tab in the navigation bar or find the original machine
  2. Click delete Template


In order to create a template based on the Linux images, use the following procedure.

Machines created prior to August 2022 become unusable after running the Template preparation script. We recommend taking a Snapshot before the Template creation, and then reverting back to that Snapshot once the Template is created.
  1. Create your Linux machine to your desired specifications.
  2. Use /usr/local/bin/ to prepare the machine for Template creation. You must add sudo before the command. (For example: sudo This step is required for machines created prior to August 2022. Any machine created after that can optionally run this script to clean up customizations and command history.
  3. The output looks like this:
Custom Linux template
  1. Power down the machine with sudo shutdown now (or sudo halt if that doesn’t work).
  2. Return to your Paperspace Console.
  3. From the Machines tab, click on your machine’s tile, select Templates in the machine details page, and click “Create Template”.

Your Template is now available under the Templates tab in your Console.